More and more drivers in Finland are using GPS jammers to hide their whereabouts

jammer block

New Member
Mar 27, 2024
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) has monitored 106 cases of GPS interference caused by signal jamming devices in vehicles so far this year.

According to Traficom's Suvi Juurakko-Lehikoinen, some drivers use these small, low-power devices to hide the location of their vehicle, dash cam (which records the vehicle's speed and distance traveled) or their smartphone. Once turned on, these devices can interfere with nearby GPS signals within tens to hundreds of meters.

Traficom discovered that some people were using jammers on company vehicles to prevent the vehicles from being tracked by their employers. Some truckers also try to use jammers to hide their location and time of travel. signal jammer

Juurakko-Lehikoinen said that if jammers turned on are found in company vehicles, Traficom will contact the companies that own the vehicles.

Laura Ruotsalainen, a professor of data analysis at the University of Helsinki, told Finnish media that the use of small GPS signal jamming devices has become a growing problem in Finland. She pointed out that these electronic gadgets are sold online for as low as tens of euros. When turned on, they will not only interfere with the GPS signals that the car owners want to hide, but also affect the GPS signals used by other people around them.

According to Traficom, a total of 714 activated GPS jammers were found on Finnish roads last year. This number is a significant increase from 2022, when only 422 such devices were discovered. Traficom reported last week that the number of reports of GPS interference in Finland had increased fivefold.
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