Xbox One 33 bf4 fixes/update


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013

Battlefield 4 PS4 update features 33 fixes, tweaks, and improvements

March 4 PS4 Game Update Notes:

Several crash fixes and stability improvements
Various improvements for Spectator Mode
Tweaked timing for how long the killfeed stays on screen
Fixed an issue where the message "Joining Server" sometimes didn't appear when the user tried to join the server
Added default player slots to server browser filters
Fix for an issue on Silk Road where players could deform the terrain to create a big, water-filled hole
Fix for a bug that occurred with the end-of-round camera if the player was in the bomber in China Rising
Fix for an issue on Rogue Transmission where it was impossible to capture a flag while riding the quad bike
Prevented players from interacting with an M-Com on Siege of Shanghai after it had been destroyed
Fixed an issue where audio for disarming M-Coms could get stuck in an infinite loop
Added minimap details for missing carriers in Rush on Paracel Storm and Hainan Resort
Fix for an exploit that would allow players to shoot two tank shells with not enough delay between shots
Removed a bug where squads would get split up when transitioning between Conquest and Air Superiority
Fixed an issue where Defuse could get stuck in an unplayable state between rounds
Removed a bug that would cause players to sometimes get stuck in the killcam after having been killed
Fixed an issue with revive icon not being greyed out in-game on map and minimap, when the player died after getting revived in Defuse
General improvements and bug fixes for the Battledash and Mission create screens
Fixed a bug where red laser dots would get stuck on textures
Zoom dispersion fix. When zooming in while firing the dispersion did not lower to the new max value
Fixed a bug where the enemy health always displayed as full in the kill-cam
Fixed an issue in Defuse so killed bomb carrier can’t plant a bomb in the next round without picking up a new bomb
The MAV has been updated to prevent players from exploiting it
Improved repair rates for vehicles with different base healths
Tweaked volume balance and other ambience parameters on the majority of base game and China Rising maps
Improved the track vehicles wheel friction so vehicles don’t get stuck at relatively minor hills
Fixed an issue with faulty zoom levels that occurred when using click to zoom in. While sprinting and zooming, will mess up the zoom levels, from hip to zoom.
Improved boat physics and handling, including implementation of a system that lets players push stuck boats back in the water

Weapon tweaks:

THe SRS bolt action time has been tweaked and the rate of fire has been lowered
The GOL bolt action time has been tweaked
The muzzle velocity for the MP7 has been reduced
The MTAR21 muzzle velocity has been reduced
Updated the handling of the 1x scopes for Type95B1, A91, SteyrAug, SAR21, QBZ951, FAMAS, UTAS, MTAR, L85A2, and F2000
Updated rate of fire for the RGP7 and NLAW

big big big update... see how it works.. i will be on later march4th around 9/10 pm if anyone is down for some bf4 action. i have been horrible latley so dont expect me to carry you lol.
big big big update... see how it works.. i will be on later march4th around 9/10 pm if anyone is down for some bf4 action. i have been horrible latley so dont expect me to carry you lol.

I'll look this up later. That's quite a lot of updates for bug fixes.
i played 1 round last night.. i wasn't promted to download an update when i started the game so i have no clue if i have the update or not.

its one thing xbox one does that upsets me... i want to know if i got an update even if it does download in the background or while it in standby mode. at least a push notification saying while you were away your xbox updated to version xxx-xxx along with these dame updates and it listed them..

it makes me feel like i am in the loop.. heck i would even be fine with them putting it in a acheivment alert.(the tp left thing when your logged in) could even give a description about the updat and whats new.
i just played about 2 hours.. i have no clue if this update has gone into effect...

what i can say is someting has changed.. the colors are different. whne zoomed in in ir the color seems to blend better... it may be me or something but the visual graphics have changed.. the skin on my gun looks nice.. you cna see a concaved lense on optics (especially the lmg with scope and amplifier)

i have no clue if the patch or update has gone live on xb1...
i got to the point i almost bought the premium package tonight.
i just played about 2 hours.. i have no clue if this update has gone into effect...

what i can say is someting has changed.. the colors are different. whne zoomed in in ir the color seems to blend better... it may be me or something but the visual graphics have changed.. the skin on my gun looks nice.. you cna see a concaved lense on optics (especially the lmg with scope and amplifier)

i have no clue if the patch or update has gone live on xb1...
i got to the point i almost bought the premium package tonight.

Same here, I can't really tell if there are any changes. Might have to look at it longer.
the last update was feb25 for the xb1.. thats why the battle log states.
Oh okay, no wonder I can't find any difference with my last play and this time. Well I'm enjoying the game anyways. Updates will come eventually. Just hope they can work and clear out all of the issues that this game has.
no the last update bf4 on xbox one got was on febuary 25th.

hear was the last update we got.(xbox one users)
s we are also updating the game servers. As usual, it will take a few hours before the majority of servers are updated.

Feb 25 Xbox One Game update notes
-Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash
-Fix for a crash that could occur when signing out as an active user
-Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch
-Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted
-Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive
-Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311
-Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren’t properly matching the actual number of impacts, causing the players to feel that they died too quickly.
-Fix for an issue where the “Draw” message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets
-Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn’t scroll on dog tags
-Fix for missing grass physics in terrain
-Fix for an issue that would appear if a 10 users party would join a game with 8 available slots, leaving 2 of the players stuck on the loading screen
-Fix for an issue where the player camera would be positioned inside of the soldier when parachute spawning
-Fix for a MAV exploit that let players reach various out-of-map locations
no the last update bf4 on xbox one got was on febuary 25th.

hear was the last update we got.(xbox one users)
s we are also updating the game servers. As usual, it will take a few hours before the majority of servers are updated.

Feb 25 Xbox One Game update notes
-Fix for an issue where spawning into, or switching to, a gunner seat in an IFV/MBT sometimes could cause the game to crash
-Fix for a crash that could occur when signing out as an active user
-Fix for missing sound in Team/Squad Deathmatch
-Fix for an issue in the Defuse game mode, where a bomb carrier would be permanently spotted
-Decreased the rate at which the kill card would incorrectly display 0 health, while the enemy was clearly alive
-Fix for an invisible wall that was incorrectly present in one of the fallen concrete pipes on Zavod 311
-Fix for an issue where bullet impact sounds weren’t properly matching the actual number of impacts, causing the players to feel that they died too quickly.
-Fix for an issue where the “Draw” message would not display on-screen once a Conquest round ended with both teams having the same amount of tickets
-Fix for an issue where long IDs wouldn’t scroll on dog tags
-Fix for missing grass physics in terrain
-Fix for an issue that would appear if a 10 users party would join a game with 8 available slots, leaving 2 of the players stuck on the loading screen
-Fix for an issue where the player camera would be positioned inside of the soldier when parachute spawning
-Fix for a MAV exploit that let players reach various out-of-map locations

Good to know. I haven't been on it for a while. At least their fixing stuff.

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