Xbox 360 CELL Intel Collectibles Guide


Jan 24, 2013
In Crysis 3, there aren’t very many collectibles laid out for you to find in discover. In a way, this is great for allowing players to focus on the combat and stealth aspects of the game. However, if you are a seek 100% completion of a game like myself, you’ll find that some of the CELL intel items are a little hard to find. After you retrieve all of the 64 CELL intel, you’ll unlock the “Breaking the Lore” achievement for 10pts.

Don’t forget that by using the visor you can look through walls in order to find and mark objects. This skill also works for marking collectibles.


Mission 1: Post-Human ( 7 Datapads, 2 Blackboxes)

Blackbox #1: After the mission begins, you’ll need to take the ramp downwards and scan the containers to the left of the dead body.

Datapad #1: After breaching the interior space with the allies, you’ll have the ability to sneak around the CELL soldiers. Investigate the room that is overlooking the area in order to find this pad on a terminal.

Datapad #2: You can find this datapad after you have received the Predator Bow. Examine a console next to the steps that lead to the lower floor.

Datapad #3: As you enter the following combat zone with patrol soldiers, you need to continue through a door the AI will open. As soon as you enter the doorway, look for this pad on the console.

Datapad #4: Once you have completed the first hack of the mission, you can find this datapad in the following room.

Datapad #5: To find this datapad, you need to scan the room for a second datapad while Psycho hacks a computer.

Datapad #6: When you enter the large area that contains a reactor in the center, look for a small room towards your right. The datapad will be inside the room.

Datapad #7: After you pass the reactor, you’ll find yourself in another room with the datapad resting on a desk.

Blackbox #2: Close to the end of this mission, you’ll be required to hack a sentry the continue through a door. When the door opens to reveal dead soldiers, you’ll find the blackbox on the ground close to one of the bodies.

Mission 2: Welcome to the Jungle (3 Datapads, 2 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda Poster)

Datapad #8: After you have used the Sniper Rifle, examine the dead end that is up the hill towards the right to find the datapad.

Datapad #9: You need to follow the CELL waypoint beacon to find a weapon pod. Once you, search near the pod in order to find the datapad.

Propaganda Poster #1: As you step out the view the Liberty Dome, you’ll be order to meet with Psycho. At this point, check near the pillars to find the poster. You’ll have to use your Visor in order to scan and collect the poster.

Blackbox #3: As you enter the subway, dispatch all of the enemies before you jump over a gap. Afterwards, search the dead soldier in the next room for the blackbox.

Blackbox #4: Once you leave the subway and reach a station, go downwards a level to find this blackbox on the ground floor with the intel.

Datapad #10: In the same room area as the blackbox, you’ll have to enter a room in the center of the station. To reach the datapad, you’ll discover a small tunnel that you need to crawl through in order to reach the inside.​

Mission 3: The Root of All Evil (4 Datapads, 3 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda Poster)

Datapad #11: You’ll need to go to the tower on the left side of the dams’ top. Hack the doors in order to open them into a hall with the datapad near some CELL crates.

Propaganda Poster #2: After you have completed all of the objectives at the dam, you receive a new optional CELL waypoint. Travel towards this waypoint and keep checking for a
building on you left. Once you find the building, explore one level above the water in order to find the poster.

Blackbox #5: After you obtain the poster, continue towards the optional waypoint. As the area to the left opens up, examine for a dead soldier with blackbox.

Blackbox #6: As you progress towards the main objective, you’’ pass through a cave that leads into a river with a doughnut on the left. Explore the optional path towards the right to find the blackbox.

Blackbox #7: After you have completed the optional objectives and gained access into the CELL facility front entrance, you need to check the left side of the building for some pipes. Sneak through these instead and you’ll discover the intel.

Datapad #12: Once you are on the elevator that takes you down to the low levels of the facility, use your Visor to scan through the catwalks and such. You should be able to spot two datapads. The first one is towards your left.

Datapad #13: In the room above the previous datapad, you’ll find a second one towards your right.

Datapad #14: On the top floor of the CELL facility, you’ll find this datapad just as you leave the elevator and turn towards your left. Search underneath the stairs.

Mission 4: Safeties Off (11 Datapads, 4 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda Poster)

Datapad #15: Progress through the mission as you wish until you are given the first optional objective waypoint. At this time, search near the crashed helo and you’ll find three pieces of CELL intel.

Datapad #16: This datapad is located near the previous datapad and the fallen chopper.

Datapad #17: Fortunately for you, this one datapad is near the previous two.

Datapad #18: After you collect the previous three, you’ll find another collection of datapads resting on a table on the second story building roof. If you need help, you can use your scanner to find them and climb towards them.

Datapad #19: Resting on the table with the previous datapad.

Datapad #20: The last datapad you should find in this area.

Propaganda Poster #3: Keep progressing towards you main objective until you pass underneath an arch with a building towards your right. Examine the building and you should discover the poster.

Datapad #21: Up the stairs and through a building, you should reach an objective with a zipline. Before you hop on, look near the open door to the left of the objective. On the inside you’ll find this datapad.

Blackbox #8: After you have used the zipline, you’ll view a short cutscene. Following that, examine the dead soldier ahead of you for the blackbox.

Datapad #22: Once you find the massive Ceph structure, search for a building that is linked to the platform by a bridge. Explore the inside of that building in order to find the datapad.

Datapad #23: Shortly after the previous datapad, you’ll find a CELL drop pod with a building on your left side. Search that area in order to find the datapad.

Blackbox #9: Immediately after you have obtained the previous datapad, turn around and search the streets in order to find this blackbox.

Blackbox #10: When you make it to the center of the CELL lab exterior, you will see a dead body. Near this body is this piece of intel.

Blackbox #11: Luckily, the last three CELL intel locations are all found after you enter the new facility with Psycho. Use your Visor in order to scan the room. This blackbox is immediately ahead of you.

Datapad #24: In the same room as the previous blackbox, take the stairs down in order to find this datapad with Psycho.

Datapad #25: Immediately after you find the datapd, the next one is inside a room as you reach the base of another staircase.​

Mission 5: Red Star Rising (5 Datapads, 3 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda Poster)

Datapad #26: First, you use the metal tube bridges to cross the rooftops. After you pass the second metal bridge, you’ll find the datapad near a weapon cache.

Blackbox #12: After you encounter and interact with the Ceph, you’ll fight an enemy group. Once you receive the object to cross a large area, move to the right side of the path and scan for a dead soldier. Near the dead soldier you’ll find this blackbox.

Datapad #27: As you play, you’ll reach a massive tower. Instead of going towards the tower, look towards the left for a building. Scan the second floor to find this datapad.

Propaganda Poster #4: In same building as the previous datapad, you’ll find this propaganda poster in an alcove.

Datapad #28: When you receive the distress call from Claire, you’ll be able to find the datapad near a crate that is behind the convoy.

Blackbox #13: Once you leave through a doorway, you’ll trigger a cutscene with VTOL flying above. At this point, hop down the rocky cliffs until you reach a buggy. The blackbox is located right behind the buggy.

Blackbox #14: After you hop on the buggy, you’ll eventually be forced to stop by a huge gate. Check towards the left of the gate and you’ll find a the blackbox near a fallen soldier.

Datapad #29: Just after you find the previous blackbox, search behind the shipping containers and you’ll find the datapad on top of some crates.

Datapad #30: Afterwards, head up the ramp that leads to the control room. Rather than heading towards the tower, follow a road that leads left. You’ll need to use the catwalk, go over some pipes, and turn right down the catwalk in order to find this datapad inside a container.

Mission 6: Only Human (5 Datapads, 2 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda)

Propaganda Poster #5: After you zip line and reach a roof with an aerial defense turret, climb two levels and you’ll see this poster.

Datapad #31: Once you reach a large open area and have two primary objects, keep a lookout for a small island with a fallen chopper that is blowing smoke. This is where you’ll find the datapad.

Blackbox #15: After you have picked up the datapad at the crash site, look towards the right objective. On your path towards this objective, you should see a crashed VTOL. This is where you’ll find this blackbox.

Datapad #32: As you progress, you’ll encounter an optional objective requiring you to disarm mines. Examine the back portion of this area in order to find this pad.

Datapad #33: Continuing with the optional objectives, you can find this datapad near the mortar team.

Datapad #34: After you have obtained the previous datapad, head downwards to the Statue of Liberty’s head. Inside this structure you’ll find the datapad.

Blackbox #16: Once you reach the objective Bravo, utilize your Visor and look downwards to find this blackbox one story below the objective.

Datapad #35: After you land into an area loaded with enemies, search the far left corner of this area, near the ammo cache, to find this datapad.

Mission 7: Gods and Monsters (3 Datapads, 4 Blackboxes, 1 Propaganda Poster)

Blackbox #17: This blackbox is found immediately ahead of where the mission begins.

Propaganda Poster #6: This poster is laying on the ground right ahead of where you have found the previous blackbox.

Datapad #36: If you weren’t feeling lucky enough, look up from where you found the last propaganda poster and you’ll find this datapad.

Blackbox #18: As you progress through this mission, you’ll pass a destroyed subway train. Search inside the train to find the blackbox.

Blackbox #19: After the subway, follow the main path with you Visor on. Keep searching the entire path in order to find this item.

Datapad #37: Once you reach the Ceph technology located in the cavers, you’ll reach a path with a surplus of CELL caches and ammo caches. Scan this area for the datapad.

Blackbox #20: Continue through the level until you find walk along the cavern edge. At this point, jump downwards and you’ll find this blackbox near a cache of Predator Bows.

Datapad #38: For the last datapad, continue forward until you reach a large are populated with dead trees and a flying vehicle overhead. You’ll need to turn right as you exit the narrow path and hop down past a destroyed car on a ledge. Below the car you’ll find your last CELL Intel.

BA-DING! You just earned yourself another achievement. Feel free to post questions and I’ll try my hardest to answer them for you. Likewise, if you have suggestions or criticisms for my mini-guides, feel free to let it out.

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