Xbox One How to Clear Your Xbox One's Cache


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Unfortunately, due to the limited access we have to the hard drive and other console setting and information, there is no menu option to clear the cache like there was on the 360. There is however a proven method to getting the cache cleared and with it fixing many pestering bugs the Xbox One is currently experiencing, especially one particularly popular bug.

This operation has been reported (and tested by myself) to solve an is when starting a game on the Xbox One where the system would show just the initial loading screen (picture) and then crash back to the Home screen. While this porblem is said to not affect app, in my personal experience it has affected using the TV app to watch television. Once this below steps were taken, the Xbox One was back to working as normal. Please see below for a quick guide.

1. Power down your console
2. Unplug the power cable from the back of the console.
3. Wait for about 2 minutes
4. Plug the power cable into the back of the console
5.Wait for the power brick to go from a white light to an orange light
6. Turn the power on.

IMPORTANT: The above instructions will force the Xbox One to perform a cold restart. You should make sure to save your game prior to beginnning.

For further assistance here's a quick video, please note the host of the video does state this has been known to fix multiple issues users have experienced, but I cannot confirm nor deny this.

I just posted something earlier asking you for more tips. Well that was fast. Thanks for the upload. I can try new things on my Xbox one. Do you also have any walk-through on any game? Or possibly some tips.
I just posted something earlier asking you for more tips. Well that was fast. Thanks for the upload. I can try new things on my Xbox one. Do you also have any walk-through on any game? Or possibly some tips.

I agree. Thanks for the tips. Please post more.
I had a problem with Skype the other day and only resetting fixed it.

What do people think about doing a manual reset once a week just to avoid problems?

I have security camera DVR and it automatically will reboot once a week at a time you can set.
I have it set to reboot Sun at midnight.

I would rather reset once a week and help eliminate any problems that try to Skye with someone
and try and try and try only to have to reboot when I need to do something.

Any thoughts???????
I am have a similar problem. its like bits of code are still on the X1 for instance I play COD then I play another disc based game say Ryse the X1 will not read the new disc in there and say to try another.
If I turn it off then back on this problem goes away.
I have found turning off my X1 every time after use is solving a lot of problems. This reminds me of old Windows versions.
Hоlding in thе Pоwеr buttоn fоr а fеw sеcоnds until it cоmplеtеly bооts оff. It clеаrs thе cаchе, аnd аlsо fixеs MОST "bugs"

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