Xbox 360 A guide to picking FEAR multiplayer up again


Feb 1, 2013
A guide to picking FEAR multiplayer up again

I must admit that the two last FEAR games disappointed me and that I still come back to the original every now and then. I think the developers went a little overboard in wanting to create something different for the sequels, especially in FEAR 3 with the new game modes. The original FEAR is just about the only game that still provides this mix of traditional FPS action and sci-fi setting. Sometimes, veterans like me just want to play more classic shooters without a ton of perks and killstreaks. If you want to get back into the game or experience it for the time, you will probably meet a lot of skilled players however. The game has been out for a long time and its dedicated base of players certainly didn't slow up with their improvement. So here's a little guide to put you up to speed so that you don't fall behind on the scoreboard as you pick up FEAR multiplayer again.

Lead Your Shots

If you’re familiar with the competitive Halo community, you might know about this next tip. First-person shooters played through Xbox Live or PSN have always required to lead your shot to compensate for the latency so that they land on target. Even if your opponent’s Xbox is right a few feet from you, if the game goes through Xbox Live, the lag will be there. That lag is especially present in the console version of FEAR. No matter if you use the Penetrator or Sniper Rifle, you will have to figure out at what speed your opponent is moving and just how much ahead you need to shoot. The same goes if your opponent chooses to strafe quickly from left to right – aim your crosshair slightly ahead of his every move. This way, you will get your aim at the same level of the experienced FEAR players. It is by no means easy to get used to at first, especially when it comes to quick left/right strafes, but with some practice you will eventually get the hang of it.

Control the Medkits

Now that you have the same level of aim as the better players, you will also need to put your strategy up to speed. No matter the game mode and the number of players, most maps in FEAR revolve around the control of the medkit, a regeneration kit that you can accumulate and that comes back every 15 seconds. The latter fact means that you can plan small runs around the map to get your kills and then come back to get some life and prevent your opponents from getting the precious advantage that is each medkit. You can also control the area of the bigger medbox, which allow slower regeneration, although they are not as valuable as the medkits. The same goes for the different armors (armor are only useful to block certain weapons like the G2A2 Assault Rifle. The Penetrator simply goes through any armor), just pick them up as you go. These secondary items can also serve as bait for people who will go for them without thinking.

Aim Without IronSighting

Games in recent years might’ve forced you into getting the habit of ironsighting very often. Call of Duty in particular requires you to ironsight in just about every short-midrange fight. When you come back to FEAR however, you will quickly notice how you need to put that habit to rest. FEAR is a much more classic shooter where it is preferable to aim your crosshair at short and medium distances. This is mostly explained by the fact that the sensitivity in FEAR is lowered dramatically when you ironsight. So, unless you’re able to use an extremely high sensitivity at all times and use a medium one on your ironsight, you will want to change up the way you aimed in a game like CoD. The same goes for the sniper rifle, which is much, much harder to use in a game like FEAR. It’s almost like you need to strafe your way to your target to shoot it instead of using the right joystick.

Use Direct Grenades

Inversely from other games, grenades in FEAR can also be used to kill your enemies in one shot by directly throwing them at their body. This requires quite a bit of practice, but once mastered, you will literally have some opponents quitting the game because of your new skill. If you still consider those grenades to be annoying, try to change your mind because they are in fact one of the most interesting and unpredictable part of the game… it’s what makes the game a sci-fi one! Remember that every grenade travels the same amount of time in the air, so eventually you will be able to throw them right in the path of your opponents with ease.

In conclusion, FEAR still to this day offers one of greatest mix as far as first person shooters go – a classic shooting game with a few elements to spice it up. With the big trend with killstreaks and upgrages in today’s shooters, it’s less likely that we’re ever going to see another like this… so take advantage of it while there are still people on the servers! Those players are very experienced, but still very beatable. Take them by surprise by applying all the tips above!
Thanks for the guide! I loved the first FEAR, though I only played the single player and didn't really get into multiplayer. Hopefully these tips are able to get me into MP!

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