Xbox 360 A pistol is better than a rifle?!


Nov 11, 2012
Has anyone else been playing Halo 4 Live? I've mostly been playing the campaign, however I did play live for a few hours last night. I couldn't help but notice that the Magnum is one of the better weapons to have. I just can't believe that Halo 4's pistol is better than some of their rifles!!
In all honesty I think that the weapons have been balanced extremely well. The pistol has not proven to be useless at all, nor has it proven to be better than mainstream weapons for me. I can go toe to toe with anyone who has any weapon (Excluding snipers and explosives, of course.) and feel like we've had a fair fight. The pistol is extremely good for helping a teammate with a kill, or for stealing it outright. If I could have any wishes for the pistol, however, it would be that it would include just one more shot than it does. I always have to reload after I break someone's shields and that usually results in reloading and death :p

All-in-all, the pistol is good for medium-range secondary assaults. It's also decent for quick damage and headshots, especially if you have good aim and can hit the head of your target. However, the BR, DMR, and Carbine still beat the pistol--in my experience--for medium-range shots.

I'd like to dive into that AR claim you have too. I'm noticing that if I let anyone who has an Assault Rifle come too close to me, I can consider myself as dead anyway. They're just good for mowing down your opponent. If you're trying to run after someone who has an AR, and you're just using a pistol to try for a quick bash and clash, the AR still has a fair advantage as long as its wielder can shoot straight. If you take your time to watch someone through your pistol scope, and shoot them before they notice you, chances are you can pop down their shields, reload, and come back for a finishing headshot before they can even break your shields. Distancing and practice have a lot more to do with the way guns work in Halo 4 than I've seen in any other Halo game to-date.
Halo 4 does have a nice pistol, and it definitely holds it own, unlike Call of Duty's pistols, which I don't like to use even in last stance. However, I only fare well with the pistol over medium range; if the enemy is fairly close, I tend to do better with another weapon.
Halo 4 does have a nice pistol, and it definitely holds it own, unlike Call of Duty's pistols, which I don't like to use even in last stance. However, I only fare well with the pistol over medium range; if the enemy is fairly close, I tend to do better with another weapon.

To be fair, ever since Halo 2, the normal pistol has always been a far beyond decent weapon. But remember, Halo is a sci fi, unrealistic world. You can't compare it to COD because for as arcade like as COD is, it tries to simulate real weapons. Which is why the pistol is at such a disadvantage in COD while it's a dominant weapon in Halo
Halo 4 does have a nice pistol, and it definitely holds it own, unlike Call of Duty's pistols, which I don't like to use even in last stance. However, I only fare well with the pistol over medium range; if the enemy is fairly close, I tend to do better with another weapon.

That's the beauty of Halo 4, it seems like the experience is totally different from one player to the next.
I hate pistols. I just use them if my rifle ammo is depleted. Besides, I already have a pistol at home. It's time to have some fun with the big guns when playing video games.
I like Halo 4's pistol, but it's not my favorite weapon. It's definitely a far cry better than the pistols in Call of Duty, like Chris pointed out, but there's still a wide assortment of other weapons I'd rather be using. I don't know about anyone else, but one of my all-time favorite Halo weapons is the Needler.

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