Xbox 360 Anarchy Reigns Achievements


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Anarchy Reigns Achievement Guide


Anarchy Reigns is an action combat developed by Platinum Games. It has been available for Japan gamers since July, 5 but US gamers have got a possibility to dive into the wonderful world of action starting January, 8. The single player campaign consists of two interwoven plots, Black Side and White Side. When you complete both of them – you will be offered to play the Red Side. As for the multiplayer, you will be able to play the following modes:
- Tag Team;
- Battle Royale;
- Death Match;
- Capture the Flag;
- Survival.
All in all there are 50 achievements in the game that you are expected to complete and on the complexity scale I would give them 5 out of 10. Depending on your gaming skills, completing the game and getting the whole 50 might take from 10 up to 20 hours. Keep it in mind that you will have to complete the game at least 2 times and do not forget about 6 Stage Select Missions. Also, some achievements depend on the difficulty you are going to play this game on.
The hardest one to get is “Max Anarchy.” The trick is that you are supposed to complete the game without dying. If you do at least once – you will have to replay the game.

Game Strategy
In general, the game you about to start playing is pretty straightforward but I think that sharing with you a couple of tips can’t be bad, so – here’s a strategy of mine that worked just great. It is not obligatory and you can customize or update it whatever you like.

Step 1: Start on Black Side, Hard Mode
Well, it’s all up to you but I would recommend starting the game on the Hard Mode which means – Black Side. By all means you are going to face lots of troubles from the very beginning (starting with the training) but once you finish it you’ll never have to deal with it again and you are definitely going to gain the most valuable thing – Experience. Practice is something that makes us stronger and the more you practice – the better you become. Playing the Black Side also gives you an amazing opportunity to get prepared for the no-death run and unlock the “Max Anarchy” achievement afterwards.
Playing Hard Mode does not come with making things easier and here’s what you can do to make the grass greener on your side: kill 20 enemies during Street Brawl. This will change the environment where a special enemy will spawn to rainy. Trust me – this is really helpful. Kill the bad guy and after that an enemy carrying an item box should appear. Killing the “delivery guy” holding the item box should grant you with a random item. If you get lucky – this might be a very useful something.
For more information on how to make things easier I would recommend you to take a look at “Anarchy Reigns,” “Burnt Out Anarchy” and “Anarchy’s Executioner” achievements.

Step 2: Start on White Side, Normal Mode Without Dying

Completing Black Side does not simply opens a possibility to play every stage in the stage select. So, in order to unlock this you will have to complete the game on White Side. Thanks to the playthrough finished on Hard difficulty, you should progress through the Campaign on Normal without a problem. But, do not forget to pick Retire from the “Start Menu” or return to the “Main Menu” if you happen to die by chance. You might also attempt to complete “Burnt Out Anarchy” and “Anarchy’s Executioner” achievements by defeating each boss with the opposite kill you did not perform during your Hard Mode playthrough.
STEP 3: Complete White Side 4-3 Hard, White Side Red Side Hard, Black Side 4-3 Normal, Black Side Red Side Normal in Stage Select
After completing the game starting on both White Side and Black Side, you’ll have every stage available in Stage Select. To unlock the other campaign clear achievements, finish up the remaining missions you don’t have completed in Stage Select.

Anarchy Reigns is pretty straightforward game where you are supposed to progress though the scenario by killing monsters and bad guys. Just keep pushing the hit buttons and move forward. In some moments do not forget to complete some simple tasks to score more points and unlock more achievements. Below are the achievements for Anarchy Reigns, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.

Anarchy Reigns Achievements
There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

Max Anarchy (60)
Complete the game without using retries on any difficulty

I know that is sounds crazy but everything is not as bad as it seems. Yes, you need to complete the game without using any retries which also means – you are not allowed to die. The very second you die (the reason does not matter) – you won’t be able to get this achievement and you will have to restart the game. However, dying in this game is not that easy. Of course – if you just stand and do nothing – obviously you will be killed. But if you know how to move and shoot back, I am pretty sure that even on the Easy difficulty you’ll be able to finish the game without dying. Injured – yes, dead – no! If you need a video guidance to see how things are supposed to work – you should check out this playlist.

Max Anarchy Playlist

Anarchy Recognizes Anarchy (30)
Unlock all player characters in the game

All in all there are 18 Anarchy Reign characters but game developers enjoy adding more which means – you can expect to see them in the future. Here’s a short description of those who are already available.
1. Ai Rin – a sister to Rin Rin and Fei Rin.
2. Amala – is one of the people supporting Jack Cayman from the outside in MadWorld.
3. Bayonetta – is the titular character of the 2010 PS3/360 action game from Platinum Games. The angel-hunting witch comes complete with guns on her feet and hair that morphs into stilettos and dragons.
4. Big Bull – playable character in Anarchy Reigns. Big Bull is a cyborg equipped with a jetpack that doubles as a massive hammer.
5. Black Baron – the pimptastic host of "Shock TV 86" in Madworld. In his own words, he's "the motherfuckin' Black Baron, stop starin'."
6. Douglas Williamsburg – an old man from Anarchy Reigns on a mission with a pair of unusual weapons operated by pistons. He's dedicated his life to hunting mutants after they wiped out his hometown and killed his family.
7. Durga – an ex-mercenary turned bounty hunter from Anarchy Reigns. He relies on kicks and the revolver cannon folded in his right leg to eliminate his enemies.
8. Edgar Oinkie – was a scientist before using his breakthroughs for personal profit. He now acts as the crime boss of Port Valenda, using a junk shop as a front for all his stolen cybernetic parts. Greed is all he needs now.
9. Fei Rin – a sister to Rin Rin and Ai Rin.
10. Garuda – died working as a mercenary but was given a second chance at life when his memories were copied to a Gargoyle robot by Durga. Now he works as a bounty hunter, shredding his targets with powerful drills.
11. Jack Cayman – the chainsaw-armed main protagonist in MadWorld.
12. Leonhardt Victorion – one of the two main characters in Anarchy Reigns.
13. Mathilda – one of the Black Baron's consorts in MadWorld, who repeatedly kills him to demonstrate how the brutal mini-games work.
14. Maximillian Caxton – he is the former leader of Strike One who is now a fugitive.
15. Nikolai Dmitri Bulygin[/B] – one of the playable characters in Anarchy Reigns, fights with electric gloves.
16. RinRin – is the fourth boss in MadWorld. "Like a black widow spider, she brings death with ecstasy."
17. Sasha – a character in Anarchy Reigns who goes by the moniker 'Ice Queen'. She was the first character in the game to be revealed.
18. Zero – a playable character in Anarchy Reigns, Zero is an armored ninja who wields two swords called Oni Maru and Juzu Maru.


Burnt Out Anarchy (40)
Defeat all the bosses while in a Rampage (Campaign Mode)

Your task is pretty simple and straightforward: Start a Campaign Mode and keep playing until you defeat all the bosses. Here’s the list of bosses you will be dealing with:
Black Side
1-1: Big Bull – KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Baron - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-1: Gargoyle - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-3: Leo - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Rin Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-2: Zero - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-3: Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-1: Sasha - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-2: Zero - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-3 (Black): Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

White Side
1-1: Durga – KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Durga - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Garuda - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-1: Oinkie - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-3: Jack - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Fei Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Ai Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-2: Oinkie - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-3: Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-1: Nikolai - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-2: Douglas - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-3 (White): Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

Red Side
R-Black: Leo - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
R-White: Jack - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
FINAL BOSS-Black: KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
FINAL BOSS-White: KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

Anarchy's Executioner (40)
Defeat all the bosses with your Killer Weapon (Campaign Mode)

Luckily – your task is pretty straightforward: you need to progress through the gameplay and defeat all the bosses in the game. All the bosses you are going to fight with also happen to be playable characters and if you are familiar with their strategy – you won’t have any troubles completing the task. Now, in order to unlock this achievement you are supposed to defeat all the bosses with your Killer Weapon. If you get unlucky with someone and he dies from something else – don’t worry and simply pick this fellow for re-battle in Stage Select.
Your task is pretty simple and straightforward: Start a Campaign Mode and keep playing until you defeat all the bosses. Here’s the list of bosses you will be dealing with:

Black Side
1-1: Big Bull – KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Baron - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-1: Gargoyle - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-3: Leo - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Rin Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-2: Zero - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-3: Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-1: Sasha - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-2: Zero - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-3 (Black): Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

White Side
1-1: Durga – KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Durga - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
1-3: Garuda - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-1: Oinkie - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
2-3: Jack - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Fei Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-1: Ai Rin - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-2: Oinkie - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
3-3: Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-1: Nikolai - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-2: Douglas - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
4-3 (White): Max - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

Red Side
R-Black: Leo - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
R-White: Jack - KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
FINAL BOSS-Black: KW [ ] RMPG [ ]
FINAL BOSS-White: KW [ ] RMPG [ ]

Ultimate Weapon of Anarchy (60)
Defeat Cthulhu within 5 minutes (Campaign Mode)

This is actually easier than it sounds: your task is to defeat Cthulhu in under 5 minutes. You will meet him in Black Side 4-2. Use Rampage Mode to constantly damage the opponent.


Anarchy in the Calamari (60)
Defeat the Kraken within 5 minutes (Campaign Mode)

In order to unlock this achievement you will have to defeat the almighty Kraken in under 5 minutes. You are going to meet him in Black Side 2-2. Well, fighting with this one won’t be easy at all and you might attempt to unlock this for a couple of times. In order to retry go to the Stage Select in the Main Menu. If you are playing on Easy difficulty – you will likely win the fight fast.


Minefield of Anarchy! (20)
Shock 3 enemies at once with a Supercharged Trap (Campaign Mode)

This is hardly an achievement. All you have to do is to hit 3 enemies with one supercharged trap. You can find a lot of those in Black Side 3-1. When you have them in your equipment, find a group of enemies standing close together and throw it in the middle. If it shocks at least 3 enemies – 20G points together with the achievement are yours.


Lake of Fire? Lake of Anarchy! (20)
Defeat 5 enemies at once with an incendiary grenade (Campaign Mode)

Incendiary grenades are pretty hard to find and they are said to be the rarest items. But, you can surely find one in Black Side 2-1 (this is a mission with the Gargoyles). Check the rightmost item box. Pick the grenade up and save it for after the mission. Now, find a 5+ group of bad guys standing close enough and throw your grenade in the middle. This will unlock the achievement.


Anarchist's Tomato Cookbook (20)
Defeat 50 enemies with the Rifle (Campaign Mode)

Considering the fact that there is a plenty of enemies in every mission, you shouldn’t have a problem killing 50 monsters. However, the best place to do that is either Black 1-3 Free or White 3-3 Free. On both levels you are going to have infinite bullets and tons of enemies. Sounds like a sweet deal, don’t you think?

Machine Gun Anarchy (15)
Defeat 15 enemies with the Gatling gun (Campaign Mode)

This will come to you naturally while you progress through the game. You will get the opportunity in Black Side 2-1 – at the very beginning when you’re mounted on the Gatling gun shooting the myriad of Gargoyles coming to attack you. Kill at least 15 and add 15G points to your account.

Backyard Barbeque (With Anarchy) (15)
Fry 50 enemies with the Flying Platform (Campaign Mode)

Well, it will look like a total madness but this game is not based on high moral and ethical stuff, so – good for us. Now, in order to unlock the achievement, you will have to get on a Flying Platform that starts to appear in Stage 2 during the rainy environment. To create the “Rainy Mood” simply kill 20 enemies in Street Brawl. After that you are going to get the most important opportunity – the opportunity of getting on a Flying Platform. To do that you need to knock the driver out and hijack the platform by pressing the “B” button. Now, start wondering around and find a few enemies. I am pretty sure that won’t be a problem. Press “X” to use the Flamethrower attachment. Killing 50 enemies with the Flamethrower will take some time which means there is a great possibility you will have to steal a couple of those. Oh, here’s something VERY IMPORTANT that you need to remember: you cannot hijack Flying Platforms during missions as they will explode instead. Additionally, in Black Side 2-1 Free you are going to find a race-style mission that also involves flying on Flying Platform. There are rumors that if you go for the achievement, you might miss the mission and vice versa. But that is still to be confirmed.

Baron von Anarchy (15)
Defeat 50 enemies while riding a Helicopter Drone (Campaign Mode)

The process of unlocking this achievement is pretty straightforward and easy to get. You will be able to do that while playing White Side 2-1 Free Leo Mission. When riding a hijacked helicopter drone simply kill 50 enemies. As far as there will be a plenty of enemies – just keep shooting and you will unlock it in no time. But, if you’re having problems getting this – simply restart the mission and play it one more time.


Someone Set Up Us The Anarchy! (15)
Defeat 10 enemies by throwing an explosive Pyro Killseeker before they explode (Campaign Mode)

If you figure it out – you will enjoy getting the bad guys killed. As a matter of fact – this is pretty easy to get and the only secret here is about the bad timing. In order to unlock it you need to kill 10 enemies by throwing an explosive Pyro Killseeker before they explode. Pyro Killseekers wear red costumes and use flamethrowers. They are really hard to be taken for somebody else. Now, when their siren goes off – run to them closer and pick up with the “B” button. Find some enemies and throw a Pyro Killseeker into them. The more you kill – the faster you are going to get the achievement. By the way – you can throw them at other ready-to-explode Pyro Killseekers to unlock this achievement. If you can’t find enough Pyro Killseekers – go to Black Side 1-1 Free. Here’s a video to make everything look clear.


Anarchy Clockwork Drone (15)
Defeat 5 enemies by throwing a self-destructing Drone before they explode (Campaign Mode)

The main principle of unlocking this achievement is pretty much alike the one you are supposed to use in the “Someone Set Up Us The Anarchy!” achievement. The only difference is that here, instead of Pyro Killseekers, you’ll be throwing self-destructing Drones. Keep fighting the drone and when it falls on his knees and starts glowing red – get closer, pick him up with the “B” button and throw at other enemies (other drones will work fine too). This can be easily done in Black Side 3-1 Free. If you have some problems unlocking this achievement – simply replay the mission. Practice will change it all for good.


Frozen in Time for Anarchy (15)
Defeat a frozen enemy (Campaign Mode)

To defeat a frozen enemy you need to freeze it first. Some of the heroes have the power of freezing people but the best way to do that is to use a special cryo container. Pick up the container and throw it in the group of enemies. When they freeze in a strange position – get closer and kill them. This is likely to be unlocked naturally but if you happen to have some problems – try to replay White Side 3-1 Free. There’s a plenty of containers out there.


Throw The Anarchy Already! (15)
Defeat 20 enemies with thrown objects (Campaign Mode)

This should come to you naturally, especially when you enjoy throwing things at the bad guys. Not only will it unlock the achievement but also will help to illuminate the bad guys faster. While you progress through the game, do not forget to pick up objects (this can be almost anything). One of the best places to unlock this is in Black Side 2-2 Free where you’ll be fighting an atrocity of parasites. Look for a few explosive containers in the arena, pick them up and throw at the group of enemies. The tighter they stay together – the more you’ll kill and the faster you’ll unlock this achievement. In order to see how things should be done – watch this video starting at 2:58.


Guy Dead Missile Anarchy (20)
Destroy a Helicopter Drone by throwing its missile back at it (Campaign Mode)

Even in the game unlocking this achievement looks sick. Your task is simple: you need to destroy a helicopter with its own missile. The best place to do this is in Black Side 1-1. When you start fighting with a helicopter – wait for it to shoot at you and when it does – catch the missile and throw it back at the copter. Do this for a couple of times until you take it down. When you do – you will get your 20G points.


The Plural of Ninja is Anarchy (20)
Throw 10 enemies from behind using stealth (Campaign Mode)

The only complicated thing about this achievement is that you are supposed to get the stealth power up. It won’t appear a lot but you will be able to get it from the item box guy who appears after defeating a rainy enemy (20 kills to change to rain). Once you get the power – definitely save your progress. Try to get into the crowded place with at least 10 enemies. Now, turn on the newly obtained power and start killing. Get from behind, press “B” to grab the bad guy and kill him. Stealth power runs out pretty fast and as a rule it’s pretty hard to kill more than 7 enemies in a row with this power. So, when you are out of stealth – simply reload the game and kill the other 3.


Meet the Anarchy Butcher (20)
Kill 20 mutants via the mutant execution technique (Campaign Mode)

Unlocking this achievement is pretty straightforward but it will require some effort. You see – killing mutants is not hard but seems to be pretty long. So, just keep fighting until you are about to get his last breath. Now, execute the bad guy with your super-powerful Mutant Execution Technique. It looks brutal but seems to be pretty nice. This can be done by pressing “B” when a green ring circles around them. This is likely to be unlocked naturally but if you need to get things done – go to White Side 4-2 Free: lots of mutants spawn there.


Big Combo Anarchy (40)
Defeat an enemy with a combo of 100 hits or longer (Campaign Mode)

This is actually easier than it sounds because all you have to do is to make sure that there are enough enemies and that pauses between your hits are very and very small. There’s a plenty of places where this achievement can be unlocked but I would recommend playing White Side 1-1 Free on Hard: there are tons of regular enemies.


Massage with an Anarchy Ending (15)
Evade 5 throws (Campaign Mode)

I, personally, hate this achievement because it requires you to press the “B” button the very same moment you are grabbed. While it seems pretty easy to get – for some reason your enemies are not fond of picking you up which means – you won’t be able to unlock it fast. However, one of the best ways to unlock this achievement is to play White Side 4-1 – here you will be fighting Nikolai. Keep moving around Nikolai until he grabs you > press the “B” button quickly. Attempt to do that 5 times and you will get the achievement. Here’s how you should do that:


Duel of the Anarchies (15)
Counter 5 enemy attacks (Campaign Mode)

This achievement is likely to become yours naturally. All you have to do is to fight enemies and counterattack them in the middle of their attack. Do this with 5 enemies and “Duel of the Anarchies” will become yours.

Rage! Rampage! Anarchy? (15)
Defeat 50 enemies while in Rampage mode (Campaign Mode)

This should come to you naturally: your task is to defeat 50 enemies while being in Rampage Mode. To get into the rampage mode you need to press “LS” and “RS” simultaneously.

Anarchy is a Killer Weapon! (15)
Defeat 50 enemies with Killer Weapon attacks (Campaign Mode)

As well as the “Rage! Rampage! Anarchy?” achievement, this one should come to you naturally. Your task is to defeat 50 enemies with Killer Weapon attacks. To use a Killer Weapon you need to press and hold “LT” and then press “X” or “Y” to use your killer weapon attacks.

Path of the Weak isn't Anarchy (15)
Defeat 30 enemies with throw attacks (Campaign Mode)

This will come to you naturally, so – don’t worry. Your task is rather simple: you need to kill 30 enemies with throw attacks. In order to do that – get closer to the enemy and press the “B” button while next to them. The best place to do that is in Street Brawl where you have a lot of enemies to throw consistently. But still – don’t worry because this will likely come to you naturally. Just do not forget to press the “B” button.

In Anarchy, Timing is Everything (10)
Evade 10 times (Campaign Mode)

This is pretty easy and should come to you naturally: in order to evade simply hold the “RT” button and a direction and then press the “A” button.

The Best Defense is Anarchy (10)
Defend against an enemy attack 10 times (Campaign Mode)

This will come to you naturally – nothing unusual here. Simply press and hold the “RT” button and wait for the enemies to hit you. After they hit you for 10 times – you will get the achievement.


Elite Force of Anarchy (20)
Starting on White Side, complete all Campaign and free missions on any difficulty (Stage Select OK)

Pretty straightforward: choose White Side and keep progressing through the game until you complete the whole campaign. This will come to you naturally.

Chasing Anarchy (20)
Starting on Black Side, complete all Campaign and free missions on any difficulty (Stage Select OK)

Pretty straightforward: choose Black Side and keep progressing through the game until you complete the whole campaign. This will come to you naturally.

Mad Anarchy (30)
Starting on White Side, complete the Campaign on hard difficulty

In order to unlock this achievement you will have to complete the whole campaign on the Hard Difficulty. This is not as hard as it sounds. Your task is to finish White Stages 1-4, Black Stages 1-4, and White Side Red Side.

Bari Shur Loves Anarchy (15)
Complete White Side stage 4 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side stage 4 on Hard difficulty.


All of the Lights of Anarchy (15)
Complete White Side stage 3 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side stage 3 on Hard difficulty.


Anarchy Carrier (15)
Complete White Side stage 2 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side stage 2 on Hard difficulty.


Broken Bottles of Anarchy (15)
Complete White Side stage 1 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side stage 1 on Hard difficulty.


Anarchy Reigns is an Oxymoron (30)
Starting on Black Side, complete the Campaign on hard difficulty

In order to unlock this achievement you will have to complete the whole campaign on the Hard Difficulty. This is not as hard as it sounds. Your task is to finish White Stages 1-4, Black Stages 1-4, and White Side Red Side.

Anarchy in the Dunes (15)
Complete Black Side stage 4 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 4 on Hard difficulty.


Shining a Light on Anarchy (15)
Complete Black Side stage 3 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 3 on Hard difficulty.


Anarchy in the Navy (15)
Complete Black Side stage 2 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 2 on Hard difficulty.


Knockdown, Drag Out Anarchy (15)
Complete Black Side stage 1 on hard difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 1 on Hard difficulty.


Dead Anarchy (20)
Starting on White Side, complete the Campaign on normal difficulty

Unlocking this achievement is no different from unlocking “Mad Anarchy.” Just on the contrary – it happens to be a lot easier as far as you are supposed to complete the campaign playing on Normal difficulty. Your task is to finish White Stages 1-4, Black Stages 1-4, and White Side Red Side.

Sandstorm of Anarchy (10)
Complete White Side stage 4 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side Stage 4 on Normal difficulty.


Bright Side of Anarchy (10)
Complete White Side stage 3 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side Stage 3 on Normal difficulty.


Defending Coastal Anarchy (10)
Complete White Side stage 2 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side Stage 2 on Normal difficulty.


Drunken Anarchy (10)
Complete White Side stage 1 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete White Side Stage 1 on Normal difficulty.


Ending Anarchy is Endless (20)
Starting on Black Side, complete the Campaign on normal difficulty

Unlocking this achievement is no different from unlocking “Anarchy Reigns is an Oxymoron.” Just on the contrary – it happens to be a lot easier as far as you are supposed to complete the task playing on Normal difficulty. Your task is to finish White Stages 1-4, Black Stages 1-4, and White Side Red Side.

The Rude Sandstorm of Anarchy (10)
Complete Black Side stage 4 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 4 on Normal difficulty.


Filling Dark Souls with Anarchy (10)
Complete Black Side stage 3 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 3 on Normal difficulty.


Anarchy Coast Guard (10)
Complete Black Side stage 2 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 2 on Normal difficulty.


Pub Crawl Anarchy (10)
Complete Black Side stage 1 on normal difficulty

This is story related and can’t be missed: complete Black Side Stage 1 on Normal difficulty.


Anarchy Training Complete (10)
Complete all tutorials

The Gamer has to do what the Gamer has to do and in this case you need to complete all Tutorials. It is not hard but it happens to be very time consuming. The tutorial can be accessed from the main menu or Street Brawl in 1-1 of your starting side. Also, here are all the levels you are supposed to finish:
Level 1: Basic Action
Level 2: Basic Attacks
Level 3: Grabs
Level 4: Special Attacks
Level 5: Evasion and Defense
Level 6: Using Items
Final Level: Scrimmage
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