Xbox One Any possibilities the Kinect can do?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2013
We've already seen what the Kinect can do besides gaming: it's used as a border security tool for South Korea. We also know it's used in other USA facilities like NASA. So, what other possibilities do you guys think the Kinect can do besides the ones I just mentioned?
Kinect is now used by Korea for border security, as for NASA I'm not really sure what they are using it for. I could say the tech (kinect) still has a lot of potential. In my case if I were to use it for something I would say probably for Home security as well.
Kinect is now used by Korea for border security, as for NASA I'm not really sure what they are using it for. I could say the tech (kinect) still has a lot of potential. In my case if I were to use it for something I would say probably for Home security as well.

Yeah, that'd be cool man. I think somebody posted if it's possible to have a Security App made for the XB1 so yes, Kinect has the possibility to do that
Like what one guy posted, read minds. Kinect could be made to read minds. But nah, wouldn't like that. Maybe it can be used for video editing?
It's got the possibility to be modded. I know somebody who modded the 360 Kinect in such a way that when nudity was revealed, the Kinect would block it with these icons. Wait lemme check where that video is...


The Kinect BOOB Tracker. Would you believe that,,, XD Steve Jobs will block you from seeing it!
It's got the possibility to be modded. I know somebody who modded the 360 Kinect in such a way that when nudity was revealed, the Kinect would block it with these icons. Wait lemme check where that video is...


The Kinect BOOB Tracker. Would you believe that,,, XD Steve Jobs will block you from seeing it!

thecreed4life... where in the world did you find this?!!!!!! Man, this man really had nothing to do. He makes a boob tracker., And he had to come up with the weirdest covers for nipples. Steve Jobs?!
thecreed4life... where in the world did you find this?!!!!!! Man, this man really had nothing to do. He makes a boob tracker., And he had to come up with the weirdest covers for nipples. Steve Jobs?!

Haha funny video. People really thing of weird ways to use kinect.
That's quite a video. Where did you find this thecreed4life? What the hell was the guy on the video thinking adding steve jobs. He should have thought of a different picture to add to hide his boobies. Haha. Boob tracker.
That's quite a video. Where did you find this thecreed4life? What the hell was the guy on the video thinking adding steve jobs. He should have thought of a different picture to add to hide his boobies. Haha. Boob tracker.

I know right? Man, Kinect can really do stuff. It can detect faces... and now boobs? And nipples?! XD Hmmm... I think I saw this video somewhere. Can't remember what site. But whatever the case... this is hilarious XD Kinect: it can block boobies!
Yeah, I saw that video somewhere. Huh.... where did I see it? We'll wait for the poster's response. But damn! Weird video indeed XD
That's quite a video. Where did you find this thecreed4life? What the hell was the guy on the video thinking adding steve jobs. He should have thought of a different picture to add to hide his boobies. Haha. Boob tracker. :-D hjahahaha. I always go there when I'm bored to see what awesome stuff is on the internet. I stumbled on this a long time ago and well, since diamondback8 came up with this topic, I thought it'd be good to show you guys what is possible for the Kinect. And well, here! Hahahha XD Steve Jobs. Why him? XD

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