Anyone go for 100% in Achievements?

There are only a few achievements that I find cool or that I'd go for. I'm rarely able to complete all of the achievements. In fact, I don't think that has ever happened. What I find really unfair though, is when game companies put the achievements of all their DLC on the achievements list. It's ridiculous, how they expect us to buy all of their DLC, then we feel bad when we don't have 100% of the achievements.

I think they should only add the achievements if we actually have the DLC on file.

haha you have no idea how much I agree with you. Anyway...ya....I kinda go for them....also @MrBunsMan there are a few places where your achievements can earn you free stuff, you just gotta know where to look ;)
I always go for achievements! Those who say they have no point have never used Xbox Live rewards. If you register with them (it's a Microsoft company), then your gamerscore actually means something. I think at 3000 G Microsoft give you a birthday present yearly, at 10000 G you get an extra 1% rebate on XBL marketplace purchases, and at 25000 G you get an extra 1% rebate on top of that, meaning 2% rebate total. It's really quite good for those who have built up their gamerscore - gives it a meaning.
I don't have a lot of disposable income to spend on games, so i pick each game carefully and always go for 100%. The only times that i don't do that is when it's a DLC filled game, which then leaves me at 75% of completion.
I have slight OCD and I need to collect all achievements! It doesn't go as far as trying for EVERY game. But 90% of my games are at 100% because that's just how I am, I like having a higher gamer score.
Not really, I would get achievements once in a while. Sometimes I get achievements when I didn't mean to get them and surprise myself when I do get them. I have more achievements in fifa 13 than any other game I have for my xbox. I think its mainly because I play fifa a whole lot more than the rest of my games.
When I first started gaming on the 360, I was mainly about beating the game and then experiencing the online aspect of it, but as time has passed I do find myself hunting down achievements and trying to complete them. It helps if the game is fun when trying to do so, like involving exploration, or beating a game you already enjoyed playing through on a higher difficulty. Games that give you achievements that require you to do stupid, mundane tasks I usually just avoid, but for the most part I'll find myself trying them anyway. There's a few games on my list I've completed 100% like Oblivion and Skyrim, and a few of the Call of Duty titles. I guess it really boils down to self gratification. If I beat a game, it's nice, but there's just something in the back of my mind that bugs me when I can't go to a friend be like "You see that? That's the proof I beat it on the hardest difficulty. Bam!"
I like to go for the achievements after completing the game. It just adds a new goal for me at the end of the day.
Most definitely. Difficult-to-earn achievements are proof that you accomplished a difficult feat, and your overall gamerscore is a reflection of how much of a completionist you are. I also agree that achievements add more goals to a game, and thus value in my view. They are an incentive to play the game in ways you wouldn't otherwise, and in some cases, amp up the challenge.
I really would like to get achievements each game, and I try, but I can never get everything. I'm also too lazy and don't want to play the game again just for one achievement.

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