Xbox 360 Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Cheats


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Below you will find Assassin’s Creed: Revelations cheats. Cheats typically create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually to make the game easier.

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Unlockables/Cheats

Cheat mode

Successfully complete the tasks indicated below to unlock the corresponding cheats. You will be able to select the cheats at the "Options" menu during the replay of a memory.

Buns Of Steel - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 2. This cheat gives you immunity to all forms of damage.

Calling All Assassins - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 05. This cheat gives you unlimited use of the Assassin bars.

Infinite Ammunition - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 7.

Killing Spree - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 3.

Permanent Secrecy - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 6.

Ultimate Guild - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 04. This cheat turns all assassins into Master Assassins.

Bonus costumes

Successfully complete the tasks indicated below to unlock the corresponding costumes:

Altair's Grandmaster Robes (The Old Eagle) - Get 100% Sync in DNA Sequence 8.

Desmond Miles - Successfully finish all five of Desmond's Memory Sequences.

Ishak Pasha Armor - Successfully finish the Hagia Sophia challenge level.

Hagia Sofia challenge level
Collect all 10 of Ishak Pasha's Memoir Pages to unlock the Hagia Sofia challenge level.

Play as Courtesan in Multiplayer mode
Reach level 50 in Multiplayer mode to unlock the Courtesan in Multiplayer mode.

Losing awareness easily
To lose your awareness, bribe a herald, then pickpocket him immediately after to get the money back. If you do this quickly enough, your awareness meter will not go back up.

Animus Data Fragment unlockables

Collect the indicated number of Animus Data Fragments to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Animus Data Fragments appear on map - Collect 50 Fragments.

Desmond Memory Sequence 1 - Collect 5 Fragments.

Desmond Memory Sequence 2 - Collect 10 Fragments.

Desmond Memory Sequence 3 - Collect 15 Fragments.

Desmond Memory Sequence 4 - Collect 20 Fragments.

Desmond Memory Sequence 5 - Collect 30 Fragments.

Ishak Pasha's Memoir Pages appear on map - Collect 25 Fragments.

Challenge unlockables

Successfully complete the challenges indicated below to unlock the corresponding bonuses:

Altair's Sword - Successfully finish the Set 3 Assassin Challenges.

Broadsword - Successfully finish the Set 3 Mercenary Challenges.

Hired Mercenaries Stop Beggars - Successfully finish the Set 2 Mercenary Challenges.

Hired Romanies Poison Guards - Successfully finish the Set 2 Romani Challenges.

Hired Thieves Pickpocket - Successfully finish the Set 2 Thief Challenges.

Ottoman Mace - Successfully finish the Set 3 Thief Challenges.

Romani Stiletto - Successfully finish the Set 3 Romani Challenges.

Easy "Almost Flying" achievement
During DNA Sequence 2: Memory 3, you will climb the Galata Tower. It is the highest building on the northern part of the map, and is located right in front of the Assassin's HQ. Take a parachute (can be bought from tailors), then jump from the tower and glide towards the water. As soon as you jump off, quickly press X to open the parachute. Just keep gliding towards the water until you eventually drop into the water and get the "Almost Flying" achievement.

Easy "I Can See You" and "Lightning Strikes" achievements
Travel to the Fatih Camii building using a tunnel entrance and climb to the rooftop. There are eight guards in the courtyard. Get them to stand close together using a Cherry bomb, then throw a Smoke Bomb, and jump down to the courtyard. Kill five of them within five seconds using your hidden blade to get the "I Can See You" and "Lightning Strikes" achievements.

Easy "Iron Curtain" achievement
Replay DNA Sequence 2: Memory 6. This memory is basically the tutorial about the den defense system. Your den may not be hit at all. Do not use LT, as it will trigger a cannon shot, and prevent you from getting the achievement. Ensure you install barricades wherever possible since, at the very end, a battering ram will come charging, and the barricades are needed to slow it down. You can also support your allies using your pistol by pressing X.

Easy "Monster's Dance" achievement
Find a guard that is near a large group of civilians, for example the guards that patrol markets. Poison the guard, then throw money on him (select "Throw Money" from the weapon wheel) to attract civilians. The guard will begin to knock them out when they get close.

Easy "Mosh Pit" achievement
Start by crafting a Datura Bomb. You will need the following ingredients: Impact Shell, British Gunpowder, and Datura Powder. These ingredients are available in bomb crafting stations that are scattered throughout the city. You also need Cherry Bombs for luring multiple enemies. You can craft them or buy them. Travel to the Fatih Camii building using a tunnel entrance and climb to the rooftop. There are eight guards in the courtyard. Throw Cherry Bombs to draw in more guards. Once there are at least ten guards standing close together, throw the Datura Bomb to get the "Mosh Pit" achievement.

Easy "Show-Off" achievement
You need a parachute, which you can buy from tailors, before attempting this. Search for a viewpoint with some ziplines nearby. The moment you jump off the viewpoint, quickly press X to open the parachute. Once you are over the zipline, press B to release, then quickly hold B to grab the zipline and get the "Show-Off" achievement.

Easy "Silent But Deadly" achievement
Replay DNA Sequence 1: Memory 5. After the cutscene at the very beginning, you will encounter three soldiers. Select the throwing knives from your weapon wheel, then hold Y and release it to throw three knives at once and kill the soldiers to get the "Silent But Deadly" achievement.

Easy "Spider Assassin" achievement
Use a tunnel entrance to travel to Hagia Sofia, located in the Imperial district. You should wait until you get the Hookblade in DNA Sequence 2: Memory 3 before attempting this. The Hookblade will enable you to climb much faster. Climb from the bottom of the building to the pillar on top in less than 25 seconds to get the "Spider Assassin" achievement.

Easy "Tax Evasion" achievement
Templar tax collectors appear randomly, and can be identified by a red purse symbol above their head. It may take a long time, but one will eventually appear on your mini-map. It is possible to complete the story first before one appears. Once you find a Templar tax collector, use your hidden blade to kill him to get the "Tax Evasion" achievement.
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