Xbox 360 Assassin's Creed: Revelations Reviews


Aug 26, 2012
Below you can find the reviews for Assassin's Creed: Revelations. If you have any questions that the reviews didn't answer, start a new thread on the forum. Played the game already? Rate it above and tell us why you did or didn’t like it. Better yet, write your own user review!

9 out of 10 - EGM
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Ezio’s tale wraps up beautifully in this final chapter of his trilogy, but elements like a tower-defense mini game seem out of place.

8.75 out of 10 - Game Informer
Read the full review here: Direct Link
A number of new features have been attempted to make Revelations feel new and different from its predecessors. In that quest for broader variety and a unique identity from the earlier games, Revelations makes some missteps that are hard to ignore. However, the game offers more of what has been great about the franchise, and that should be enough to bring most fans to the table, even if it a poor starting point for new players.

8.5 out of 10 - Official Xbox Magazine
Read the full review here: Direct Link
What’s available here remains as ridiculously appealing as ever. It’s still a thrill unique to the series to be perched six stories high, looking out across miles of meticulously rendered game world — even if that dazzling, danger-filled world has grown overly familiar, having traded what was once revolution for iterative evolution.

8.5 out of 10 - IGN
Read the full review here: Direct Link
This is the best Assassin's Creed yet, even if that victory is claimed by an inch and not a mile. If you've been following the lives of Altair and Ezio this long, you owe it to yourself to see their last adventure.

8 out of 10 - Game Spot
Read the full review here: Direct Link
Ezio and Altair make graceful exits in Assassin's Creed: Revelations, another great historical adventure.
I truly disliked the terrible castle protection game they had in there, but overall, I enjoyed this as part of the Ezio/Altair story. The Embers add-on looked good too(even though it looked like it was purely storytelling, no game play). They were two of the only video game characters I connected with in this modern era of gaming, playing through their swan song was cool.

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