Xbox One Auto Storage Management in the X1


Active Member
Nov 14, 2013

Guys, i guess most of you know, that you won't be able to see how many storage you have left. Yep, that is extremely weird. But Microsoft officially stated that its called "Auto Storage Management", and instead of worrying, gamers should be happy - it's extremely convenient and it is the future.

The lack of this information also means that it’s not exactly clear how much free space your hard drive actually has out of the box. The PS4, by comparison, reserves around 100GB for the operating system and software — and likely future updates and other fiddly bits — and does display storage capacity.It’s obnoxious that the Xbox One doesn’t display the amount of available storage space, but it won’t ruin your life. It’ll just make it a little more inconvenient when you’re running low on space.

More info: GEEK
I'm sure they will patch that kind of thing in over time. Remember how basic the 360 was initially and how much they added along the way.
I get what microsoft is trying to do here, but it's a bit weird. They try making things easier by providing us with an automatic storage, at the same time making us wonder suspiciously. It's a good think, i have nothing about it, but surely would be better if they at least could some info concerning the memory left. just a note
Given time, I'm sure this will be adjusted and fixed.

This issue was addressed a couple of times already. really, there is nothing serious about this. Microsoft developed a good algorithm to optimize the space given. + most of your games will be on the cloud, so there is nothing to be worried about. just chill, people
I don't like how they don't give you info about your storage.
I'm sure they have their reasons, but I feel like they're going to have to update the firmware to display this info.
They will put it in. Nobody will fill up the drive in the near future (well actually if you buy and install every game, you will run out of space! but then you could probably afford 2 X1s).

I'm sure software updates will be coming along regularly, just like they did in the early years of 360.

They are going to eventually add support for external storage too.

I just read the article and this is another one of those anti-MS posts. The first sentence tells how awesome the PS4 is and how obnoxious MS is! Come on... As an Xbox fan you have to read these things a little carefully and look for the spin.

There's obviously a ton of apps and other features that got cut for launch from both consoles. Relax. They'll be coming.