Xbox One Battlefield 4 Xbox One 'kill trading' patch hits today


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
The Xbox One version of Battlefield 4 received a patch this morning that fixes a slew of issues including "kill trading," the developers wrote in a post today.

The Dec. 19 patch tweaks the game's netcode to try and reduce instances of "kill trading," where two players firing at one another seem to die at the same time, allowing a dead player to get a kill.

Here's the full list of the fixes contained in today's patch:

-Fixed a common crash that could occur during gameplay.
-Fixed an issue that could corrupt save files in the single player campaign.
-Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression.
-Fix for a graphical glitch that could appear on terrain.
-Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for "roadkilling" opponents.
-Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped.
-Servers that friends are playing on now have a higher priority in the server list.
-Server Browser is no longer showing empty or full servers by default.
-Balancing jet handling across all stealth and attack jet classes.
-Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers.
-Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out.
-Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen.
-Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch.
-Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode.
-Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early.
-Raised the first-person camera slightly for walking in crouch to more accurately reflect the actual position of the character.
-Fixed an issue with the party chat app not working.
-Fixed an issue in the in-game Battlelog where non-ASCII characters would display incorrectly.
-Fixed an issue when maps were not loading properly while player didn't have the game in full screen.

Source: Polygon

Keep them coming guys! The game is far from fixed, but I'm very happy to see the patches starting to pick up. I was afraid we would only get one per month or something. The game is great, but can lead to a frustrating experience. Good to know it might be in a normal working condition soon.
i have actually had a good bit ofthe "kill trading" and i honestly cant say it felt wrong. it actually felt right as it happens in cod as well.. i am notorious for throwing a gernade or incinary and if you get shot and die what ate they taking away from the explosion ofthe gernade?? i have had times in mid range combat where with support class the full auto guns just take time for bullet travel allot of time you are standing still trying to get that guy a good clip away..

i would say leave the kill trade alone and work on server,lobby issues.
I'm glad they're still trying to improve the game. BF4 has too many issues and I'm glad DICE decided to focus their entire resources to making the game better.
I'm glad they're still trying to improve the game. BF4 has too many issues and I'm glad DICE decided to focus their entire resources to making the game better.

Well they're lying lol which is obvious. They have 2 other games they're working in so I'm sure they didn't really stop production on those.
well heck hear goes nothing.

i played bf4 for 5 hours last night... not one kick/bounce. i was able to get in the lobby's i wanted... in all i had a "great" experience playing. even got a few friend requests and guys who play allot to follow and clan up. i unlocked 4 battlepacks and stayed in conquest for the whole 5 hours no backing out or anything odd.. the genral game gltches of 2 step walking and generally bouncy frame rate were all fine.

i honestly dont think i could have had a better experience in game than last night. out of all the games we played our team lost 4 total matches.. i even got to use the "factory" headset and do chatt in game which was a first for me. i doidn't mind them at all yes i still want some turtle beach's or polk audio's but can held off for now. it is intresting how they connect to the controller.. i think it was my connnection but at times the connection on chatt was spotty but would usually clean up a few times during matches.

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