Xbox 360 Best Batman game EVER, until Arkham City came out?


Oct 7, 2012
My mrs. picked up Arkham Asylum at Walmart for $40 pretty soon after it came out. I was leery, as the price tends to be an indicator of what some games are worth. It was a welcome surprise. I was sucked in for days. I thoroughly enjoyed the predator missions, and I'm thinking about one or two right now. The first time you blow up a wall, and smash through a glass ceiling at the same time, completely freaking out the bad guys, there is nothing quite like it.

I picked up Arkham City on sale, fairly soon after release (I knew it was going to be good, so I waited a bit for a price drop.) I like it, but in the sandbox games, I always feel like I'm missing something. Asylum was fairly tight (some would say too linear), but I enjoyed it just the same.

So do I need to log 30 more hours into Arkham City to love it more than Asylum?
It's probably a bit late to answer as I'm sure you've probably finished the game by now, but I like the sandbox element of Arkham City a lot. The Catwoman DLC is really fun and seeking out all the Riddler-related challenges is addictive. I think that the wealth of side quests in City make it just as good as Asylum.
Both games are brilliant and now with the announcement of Batman: Arkham Origins it should get even better.
The first game did something which we hadn't really seen before: a Batman game that was a gritty as the comics.
It was a brilliant game, with fantastic characters and a wonderful story. Plus the graphics were fantastic! The second
one had the sandbox element too which made it even better!
I didn't get a chance to play this on the Xbox, but the PC version was a blast. I played with my 360 controller hooked up to my PC using one of those USB adapters. The gameplay was smooth and story was a pleasure to follow, which for me is pretty uncommon, I typically skip to the action and leave it at that. Arkham City was good, but I didn't really have a chance to get in to it as much as I did with Asylum just cus I didn't have time... and then as things go, I just sort of forgot about it. I should probably go back and play it some time before xb1 comes out and I never touch it again, ever.
I can't stand batman at all not that its a bad game or its gameplay is not good its nothing like that but the problem with it is how hard and challenging it can be, i decided to buy it from Game for $35 and its not what i thought i got stuck on the 3rd stage..
I can't stand batman at all not that its a bad game or its gameplay is not good its nothing like that but the problem with it is how hard and challenging it can be, i decided to buy it from Game for $35 and its not what i thought i got stuck on the 3rd stage..

Try playing it on the easiest game mode? It's pretty easy really. I don't see how anyone could have problems with it. o_O

Otherwise keep practicing, you'll get the hang of it. And believe, you want to complete it. It's really worth it.
It bothers me how people call Arkham City a sandbox, when it's really not. You CAN'T go anywhere anytime you want at any time. Every location worth going to is locked until you progress through the story and get the right item, or the plot unlocks it. That is to say, its a linear game you can only play one way, they just spread the locations across an open area. Not to mention ALL enemy spawns in the map are the exact same EVERY time you visit or revisit an area. There is also no where worth going except for the plot-determined area of interest, or plot-triggered scripted events.

Though, that being said, I loved the boss battles and the variety thereof, as it was the one thing that Arkham Asylum was lacking. I still view Arkham Asylum as the superior game of the two.

Arkham Origins says they will have dynamic events and open-ended plot progression to address my above complaints, and if that's true, I'll be very happy.
Arkham Asylum is actually the only one I've played...I've heard such a mixed bag of things about Arkham City that I'm unsure how much I'd enjoy it. Still, good to see what other people think about it.

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