Original Xbox Best Gaming Series

Since I like fantasy themes and stuff of that nature I would say Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age--that's for the entire Xbox line though. The original Xbox really only had one great series (meaning multiple games in a franchise) and that was Halo. Anything else was available elsewhere for the most part and not really worth saying "This is the bee's knees on Xbox," since they're not distinctly Xbox.
I'd have to agree with everyone else. Halo was microsoft's mario. It's what got people to actually look at their product and concreted the xbox's position in the gaming industry
Every company needs their own Mario. Halo was that in that it's Microsoft flagship title, but it's not in that league as Mario in that it doesn't have that crossover appeal where you could do kids cartoons, kids merchandise, etc. and draw kids in to the console. The Xbox in general is a more teen/adult console as it is.
Every company needs their own Mario. Halo was that in that it's Microsoft flagship title, but it's not in that league as Mario in that it doesn't have that crossover appeal where you could do kids cartoons, kids merchandise, etc. and draw kids in to the console. The Xbox in general is a more teen/adult console as it is.

Well of course it is. I mean mario doesn't shoot bowser or stab goombas in the skull with a knife. As for everything else I'm gonna have to disagree with you. For starters, Sony doesn't have a Mario. They have a "mascot" for each generation of console but they don't have anything that represents them as a whole like Mario does with Nintendo and Halo does with Xbox. Also while Halo isn't a kids franchise it still has it's wide median including the 2 (maybe 3?) animes as well as all their live action stuff. Plus machinama's like Red vs Blue are targeted more to the pre teen demographic because of the toilet humor. Oh and about the toy thing, there's tons of halo action figures and stuff so ya...that's kidish but again for the most part the people I know that have any are mostly in their teens.

Nintendo has always had the younger market (playstation could be argued to have contended for it in it's earlier days with spyro, and crash but meh...) while microsoft and sony (again meh on sony) were aimed for the mature audience. Mario saved the game industry and for that will always be in it's own league.but halo has it's own merits and brought out online multiplayer on consoles and mainstreamed xbox live and forced sony and (somewhat) nintendo to utilize it for all future consoles and games.
While Sony doesn't have a Mario, they had the chance at two Marios (Crash and Tomba). A series like Halo could be fashioned to appeal to kids in the same fashion that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which was a more mature series), Inhumanoids (which was mature for its time), Mutant League (which was graphic for its time), Toxic Avenger (mature in content, but mainly EC Comics-grade mature), and Mortal Kombat.

All of those were mature in content but managed to crossover up until it came to making the connection between the kids audience stuff to the teen/mature audience. While TMNT had the longest run and could've easily bridged things the comic had finished up by that time and MK was popular on the myth of what was MK. The cartoons and TV series made it easier to consume if parents weren't allowing kids to play the games.

Nintendo didn't have the younger market until Sega Mega Drive came out with the American advertising of the Genesis. Before that Nintendo was the market. It was just a gamers' market. While things were colorful and could've easily been advertised towards kids, those same products had the gameplay to draw in hardcore gamers with the difficulty and challenge available.

That's something only Sega, Nintendo, and some of the earlier studios could do: make games that appeal to everyone in one package as opposed to making a game for "mature" audiences with blood, gore, scantily clad women, and swearing (which is more of a teen game actually, the maturity should come in with a storyline) and another game that is pretty dumbed down and colorful for kids.

And Halo is a heavily action packed sci-fi shooter. That's would be prime crossover material for everything. The thing that makes it firmly mature (aside from the storyline) is that it's a FPS and those have been typecasted as being M-Rated games even though plenty of them are only that because of blood, realistic weapons, the language, and human-on-human violence.
Ehh...Halo. Great game, but as MetalSwift said Xbox didn't have too many series that were sports games and Halo defined what Xbox was about into the next generation.
It's probably the Halo games, I mean, if a game single handedly put your gaming console on the history books forever, then it probably is the best gaming series there is. And also, Halo put the trend on modern FPS, I mean, newer FPS games aren't called the Halo killer for nothing, because Halo set the standards and if it isn't enough reason to put this series as the best, then I don't know what will.
I think we all now the question to this answer. To me, the best game series available for the original Xbox was the Halo series. Never before had I seen a first person shooter that was so amazing and epic all at the same time.
Probably assassins creed series. It's so nice to be played in devices with high graphics like xbox.
I'm kind of leaning more towards Assassins creed series. Halo is great too, but I'm usually not a big fan of FPS games.
There are so many I loved, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Devil MayCry... all great series games... Mass Effect and DMC are my faves though
As much as people loathe it, I really love what they have been doing with AS series lately. Just finished playing AS: Black Flag and eagerly waiting for Unity. Besides that, Far Cry series is really amazing too. ant' wait for the Far Cry 4. Early gameplay reveals that it's going to e similar to Far Cry 3, which isn't a bad thing if you ask me.
I would have to say that hands down the best series to me had to be Halo. That game was the game that I had been introduced to the world of online gaming and I must say that ever since I had that first taste I have never looked back. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me and my gaming life for sure.
I'm in agreement with everyone else and it has to be Halo. That one just stands out about the rest and I have seen a lot of different games over the years and no one else comes close.

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