Xbox 360 Best weapon for hunting


Active Member
Dec 22, 2012
What's the best weapon to use for hunting? I'm having trouble taking down some of the bigger animals quickly. If there is a specific weapon that I should focus on unlocking, I will. Any help would be appreciated!
Well, I haven't had the pleasure of playing Far Cry 3 yet, but from what I've been reading online about it, the bow and arrow is actually the best weapon to have. It's supposed to be able to take down most "normal" enemies and animals with a single arrow, and after you take them down, you can retrieve your arrow, saving you lots of money otherwise spent on ammo.
I haven't played with the bow yet,but I agree that it sounds like a pretty powerful weapon. I wonder how slow the reload times are though? I like the fact that you can use the arrows joined with the Molotov cocktails.
Jstep - I just bought Far Cry 3 today, but I haven't played it yet. I'll definitely be trying out the bow and arrow, after all I've read about it, but which weapons have you played with and liked?
Well, I finally played with the bow. It's super accurate and it's nice not alerting everyone when you kill someone, but I definitely need to get hides to make bigger quivers. I haven't used too many weapons thus far, mainly assault rifles. The flamethrower is fun, but not a weapon that I'd use all of the time. I'll probably just stick with an assault rifle and a sniper rifle until I unlock more slots. RPGs are fun, but too slow to reload, which is to be expected.
When I hunt I use the recurve bow. It is silent and since I upgraded my arrow quiver I can hold more arrows. I use it with a hunting potion thingy (I am having a bit of a brain "fart" and I cannot remember the name) and I sneak up on animals by crouching. Then after I have locked onto all of them with my camera, I take them out one by one with one arrow going into each of them. This has been successful for me and it is how I take out most of the Rare animals that the outpost missions call for.
The bow is quiet, but you have to be accurate, and pretty far away for the animals not to notice you before the come running. Best but brutal I would say is a shotgun, two shots at most. But its honestly not really a "hunting gun" lol

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