Xbox One Beyond Good And Evil 2 - still in development?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Just recently I played the first game and enjoyed it quite a bit. So naturally, I was looking for news on the sequel.
The only recent news I could find is from this year, July 31. Here's the official Ubisoft statement taken from the Wikipedia page:

"In many ways, BG&E is an inimitable game - it appeals to all generations of gamers and is an inspiration behind many of Ubisoft Montpellier's past and future games. It's still far too early to give many details about this new title, but what we can say is that while Michel and the team at Ubisoft Montpellier are working with the core tenets of BG&E, they're developing something that aspires to push past the boundaries of a proverbial sequel and leverages next-gen technologies to deliver a truly surprising, innovative and exceptional game. The entire team is excited about the direction this extremely ambitious project is taking, and we'll have more to share later, as it progresses."
The last we heard about it, they hinted that they are still working on it. I don't know if they have canned this project or what, but it seems like there is some time before this game is going to be revealed.
I don't think they've canned the game, but development is definitely taking longer than I'd like it to. I mean, the longer it takes, the more likely a cancellation becomes. If the game is released eventually, then it could be a pretty terrible game a la Duke Nukem Forever. It's almost never a good sign when a developer goes mum on a given project that's highly anticipated, and history has shown that most games are cancelled or released as a lackluster title.

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