Xbox One bf4: Attack Boats, Battle Pickups, and Tiered Reloading


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013

talks about the navel combat... nothing new.. shows the gunner boat in action.

some some sniper/recon class stuff (guy does work with the snipper)

talks about how reoading works. no 10 bullets in reload... clip must be emptied before reload. also u can cycle thru weapon but the reload animation wont occure untill you go back to the empty weapon.

i am just liking how spread out the levels are.. its not compact where everyone is stacked on top of each other. looks like people are holding their ground or are following how a player build is.. notl ike cod where its a run and gun.. no matter what gun you have. im sure their are areas where it gets hectic... proably towrds end of map where everyone is trying to hold down/take over the last objective.
This game is becoming so realistic have you heard of the sensor thing they have added where like you can shut down barriers, lifts etc its crazy i actually can't wait for this to come out bring on ps4.

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