Xbox One bf4: more parcel storm vids (gamescom) eatv


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013


looks like its a decent time of battle not just 5 minute game.
good video.

Video: Battlefield 4 full HD multiplayer gameplay - Telegraph

shows real playing dieing and how you respawn/where. from a decent/not so great gamer.
looks like you can take fire/die before you hit the ground possibly die parachuting.. made a smart move spawning on the boat...

i m like the fox hole altho he didn't square off the corners... he left himself open on allot of areas.. stuff i do on the regular to be honest.
I can't wait i just think all the hype for it will be worth it the graphics are improving and so is the gameplay i actually cannot wait for all this i don't know about anyone else this will smash cod out of the water.
Holy cow slappidy Christ! I didn't notice these videos! Thank you so much for the share!

Anyways, the gameplay looks absolutely sick and mind blowing! I can't decide what games should I pre-order and on which console... :(
Looks interesting - although I wish they'd had a better player... that said it actually presents things better to have a rather more average player. It looks like a good game and thankfully it's already been pre-ordered so I can look forward to playing this soon enough.
Wow! This looks awesome man. Over 30 minute of battlefield goodness. What else do you need as a Battlefield fan?

I am really looking forward to play it on my PC.
Between this and Titanfall, CoD might begin to loose its foothold, at least on my tv.

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