Xbox One bf4 patch comming.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
Since Microsoft’s new console hit the shelves on November 22, Battlefield 4 has been plagued by problems, including but not limited to:

Not being able to connect to EA servers
Campaign saves and multiplayer progress being wiped
Regular crashes and overall stability issues
Not being able to join Friends
Hardcore mode servers being completely unplayable
A “one-hit kill” bug where a single bullet applies multiple times its normal damage

The problem was compounded when, four days ago on November 28, DICE kicked off a full double XP week for Battlefield 4 as an apology for launch issues. Nice gesture, but the Xbox One patch to resolve the problems causing all the launch issues DICE is apologizing for still hasn’t arrived.

But it should sometime this week (hopefully before the double XP week ends on Thursday, December 5). In a post on the Battlefield Control Room, DICE noted the patch is now being finalized:

Just a quick note that we’re finalizing the upcoming Xbox One Game Update and aiming to have that live the week of Dec 2. We will share the patch notes for this update soon. The update will focus on stability and performance, and includes a fix for the so-called “one-shot kill bug”. Stay tuned for full patch notes.

still dosn't address my issues of random game modes. but nice to see an update soon. will be intresting to see how it takes place this would be the first patch i guess that is not microsoft itself.
That's great because honestly with all the issues that BF4 seems to be having, I'm surprised that people are still trying to play it. It just has so many problems that I for one have been avoiding it until DICE fixes all the problems. Hopefully this patch will start fixing the problems unlike EA's other patches which cause more problems.

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