Well-Known Member
omg.. its thanksgiving... and bf4 has so many glitches i actually want to flip out.
it is so random with what game mode it put you in. conquest is not team death match i litterly exited 5 games trying to get in conquest.. i could get in about every other game mode by clicking conquest.. not only would it put me in random game modes but when going to the next game i could be in death match,capure flag, or any other mode but the one i was just in or conquest.
they need to fix this and fast.. its so annoying.
it is so random with what game mode it put you in. conquest is not team death match i litterly exited 5 games trying to get in conquest.. i could get in about every other game mode by clicking conquest.. not only would it put me in random game modes but when going to the next game i could be in death match,capure flag, or any other mode but the one i was just in or conquest.
they need to fix this and fast.. its so annoying.