Xbox One Black Flag meets Pirates of the Carribbean


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2013
Some think that the Assassin's Creed/ Animus theme is wasted on something as awesome as pirates. Would you have preferred this game to have been made about Pirates of the Caribbean legal issues aside) or as just a standalone pirates game with Davy Jones and the Kraken as villains instead of Templars?
No, personally I really enjoyed the game. Though I'm always more of a fan of the past sequences then the future/present day events. I really liked Edward and seeing what happened to him and how it tied into AC 3. While it would be cool to see an original pirate game using the mechanics of AC4, I like the place that this took in the series. It helped give it a much need breathe of fresh air.
Some think that the Assassin's Creed/ Animus theme is wasted on something as awesome as pirates. Would you have preferred this game to have been made about Pirates of the Caribbean legal issues aside) or as just a standalone pirates game with Davy Jones and the Kraken as villains instead of Templars?

good question. you can toss the animus out the window for me.. the game has so much damn potential for being a cross between the 2 pirate aspects if they went away from the animus.. who is to say you would need to abandon the templer/Illuminati and get Davey Jones krakken. both have a serious place.. Davey Jones was over the sea where templar were controlling of land aspect. the story could be around templars after davey jones on his once in 8/10 year land excursion.

No, personally I really enjoyed the game. Though I'm always more of a fan of the past sequences then the future/present day events. I really liked Edward and seeing what happened to him and how it tied into AC 3. While it would be cool to see an original pirate game using the mechanics of AC4, I like the place that this took in the series. It helped give it a much need breathe of fresh air.

my problem is you can have a much richer back story of a child destined for the sea and pirate life. i am glad the animus is not as big a part of the game.. it just feels forced to me.
A crossover with Carribean? I wouldn't mind. If you can play as Jack Sparrow, sure! Man, it would've been nice if they called this Pirate's Creed :P Hahaha, the game of the pirates. This would go toe-to-toe with Sid Meier's Pirates! But yeah, AC4 really did the pirate aspect well.
A crossover with Carribean? I wouldn't mind. If you can play as Jack Sparrow, sure! Man, it would've been nice if they called this Pirate's Creed :P Hahaha, the game of the pirates. This would go toe-to-toe with Sid Meier's Pirates! But yeah, AC4 really did the pirate aspect well.

Now, that title has a nice ring to it. But seriously. If they add options to play as Jack Sparrow then I'm all in. I hope they add new costumes on this game.
Pirates on the Caribbean style. I won't be surprised if they add a spinoff on this game like adding a Prince of Persia style or maybe something like Dante's Inferno. Either way, I look forward to playing this game. As soon as it's out I'll get it. Either way, I'm still working on Forza. Do you guys know whether they have released any cheats or walk through about this?
I think this is another Pirate game, not to judge but it does look like a crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean. It's also like an extension to Sid Meier's Pirates. But don't judge me on that. I love Assassins creed. I will also get this game as soon as it is out. Hey, I don't want to be left out of the story do I?
good question. you can toss the animus out the window for me.. the game has so much damn potential for being a cross between the 2 pirate aspects if they went away from the animus.. who is to say you would need to abandon the templer/Illuminati and get Davey Jones krakken. both have a serious place.. Davey Jones was over the sea where templar were controlling of land aspect. the story could be around templars after davey jones on his once in 8/10 year land excursion..

This is a good plot line, Davy Jones could add an extra mythical layer to the story which would be interesting... perhaps there'll be a sequel?
A crossover with Carribean? I wouldn't mind. If you can play as Jack Sparrow, sure! Man, it would've been nice if they called this Pirate's Creed :P Hahaha, the game of the pirates. This would go toe-to-toe with Sid Meier's Pirates! But yeah, AC4 really did the pirate aspect well.

Pirate's Creed! haha I love that, I'd buy it! Yeah, I wish Disney Interactive could have made a game like this for Pirate's of the Caribbean that was more like Black Flag, than the mediocre games that they did produce for the series.

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