Xbox 360 Black Ops 2 intel locations


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Black Ops 2 Intel Locations

During your Black Ops II campaign, you will be required to find different "intels" in all the missions. Finding Intel will help you fulfill the requirements for challenges, and also unlock new Perks and Weapons that will help you in your campaign. This guide will help you find all the 33 "intels" in the game. You can do this on any difficulty you like.

Mission 1: Pyrrhic Victory

Intel # 1
After the first cutscene, you will ride on the side of a car. You will then come across a truck lying on its side inside a ditch. You can "Access" the truck, and next to it, you will find the intel.

Intel # 2
As soon as you come across a gun ship, get on board and use it to take out the boats that are attacking you. Next, climb up the left side of the boat to the gun and you will find the intel on the floor.

Intel # 3
After falling back to the river, as you are defending the second location, there will be an elevated sniper post to the far right. The intel is up there.

Mission 2: Celerium

Intel # 1
During your first visit to the research facility, a fire fight will break out. The intel is inside the room to your right, on a desk by the window.

Intel # 2
Once you reach the underground lab, before you go into the vault to get the celerium, there will be two sets of stairs on either side leading up to a center room. The intel is on top of the table there.

Intel # 3
In the upper section of the landing zone, you will find a helicopter on a helipad. To the left, just behind the helicopter, there is an open room. The intel is on the table inside.

Mission 3: Old Wounds

Intel # 1
After the cutscene, where you meet with Hudson and the Rebel leader, look to the right. You will see the intel on top of some wooden crates.

Intel # 2
Leave the cage and ride your horse towards the direction northwest of the main base. You will come to a pile of rocks, with the intel on the ground near a red flag.

Intel # 3
After you dismount your horse, across the first bridge you reach, there is a big cave to the right. The intel is inside on the floor.

Mission 4: Time and Fate

Intel # 1
When you reach the barn, there will be a wagon to your right, just near the exit. Behind it, you will find the intel.

Intel # 2
After taking control of Mason, you will come to a courtyard with a bell tower to the right. Climb up the bell tower and you will find the intel half way up.

Intel # 3
Enter the cocaine bunker and take out all the enemies in there. There is an open room to the left with the intel on a wooden bench.

Mission 5: Fallen Angel

Intel # 1
In the room where you begin the mission, there will be some shelves to the right. The intel is on the bottom shelf.

Intel # 2
Destroy the first gate and jump out of the way of the on coming bus. Enter the alley on the right and you will find the intel on the ground.

Intel # 3
After you enter the building, you will come to a point where part of the ceiling crumbles down in front of you. The intel will be lying amongst the fallen debris.

Mission 6: Karma

Intel # 1
After you kill all the enemies in the computer server room, step out and look to the right.You will see the intel on a white desk.

Intel # 2
Inside the mall, as you are chasing after DeFalco, go down the lower level and turn right to find the clothing store labelled "d'HO". The intel is behind the cash registers.

Intel # 3
As you are chasing DeFalco out of the mall, while passing by the Circular bar, you will see the intel on a small desktop. You can grab it quickly before DeFalco disappears.

Mission 7: Suffer With Me

Intel # 1
After entering the warehouse through the skylight, head towards the office area to the left. You will find the intel on one of the shelves there.

Intel # 2
There is a large courtyard just before you reach the church. Once there, turn left and pass through a hole in the wall. The intel is straight ahead on a counter.

Intel # 3
Immediately after the cutscene in the church, follow Mason and Noriega through the doorway. Instead of turning left first, head straight ahead and you will find the intel on a counter.

Mission 8: Achilles' Veil

Intel # 1
While on the stage with Menendez, jump down and pass through the right side exit. Further ahead, there is a room leading up to the second floor. You will find the intel on the floor next to some rug.

Intel # 2
You will come to a building with a television and a man inside. Kill the man and look behind the black boxes in the room to find the intel.

Intel # 3
After you leave the town, keep to the right until you come to a building. Go up the stairs to find some guns, ammo crates and a ladder next to them. Climb up the ladder and you will find the intel on a crate.

Mission 9: Odysseus

Intel # 1
Once you reach the bridge of the ship, look to the far right. The intel is on a desk next to a computer.

Intel # 2
After the cutscene, just before you go downstairs to meet Salazar, climb the other set of stairs to the right and you will find the intel on a table.

Intel # 3
While on the flight deck, keep right until you find two VTOLs with their rear doors open. Kill the man inside the second VTOL then find the intel on the floor.

Mission 10: Cordis Die

Intel # 1
After you grapple down on to the freeway, you will find a burning car with a dead cop inside. The intel is on the floor next to the dead officer.

Intel # 2
After destroying the first CLAW, go to the front desk of Hotel Kaylor to find the intel there.

Intel # 3
After destroying the second CLAW, enter the Plaza and turn left. Go up the stairs to the T-Shirt stand and you will find the intel on the bottom shelf.

Mission 11: Judgement Day

Intel # 1
Find the building numbered 27 and enter it. Kill the enemies you find there and climb upstairs. You will find the intel on top of a computer console.

Intel # 2
Enter the broadcast room and kill the enemies there. Then look on the far side, on the third tier of computers, you will find the intel.

Intel # 3
From the circular room with blue pillars, go down the stairs and take the path close to the walls. You will find the intel on a crate glowing in the darkness.


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