Xbox 360 Black Ops 2 Zombies: Bus Depot invincibility power room glitch


Former Administrator
Sep 19, 2011
Here is invincibility glitch to get you far into the rounds in Bus Stop Tranzit mode in black ops 2. Getting this done isn't bad, you'll need to be in the bus depot tranzit mode. First when you get on the bus you'll want to take it to the power room stop or the 4th stop the bus will make. When you get off you should run straight ahead and pay for the door that gets you into the white power room. Once down their, you'll need too quickly get over to the to the workstation room and find the lever in that room. It appears in random locations in that room so keep that in mind. After that, take it to the workstation and get to building. As soon as that's complete you'll need to be fast and get behind were the built lever will appear to your right. If you time it right, you'll be behind the lever and no zombie will be able to touch you. Careful not to move away from the wall because then your fair game. Problem with this one is that you run out of ammo very quickly, so best to group em, hope for some close max ammo drops, and bring a good weapon.

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