Xbox 360 Black Ops 2 Zombies Prestige Emblems and rank


Nov 30, 2012
In Black Ops 2 their are avatars in the game lobby called Prestige Emblems. As you rank from playing zombies you will get a new prestige emblem in its place. Here is we know of what emblems you can get long with how to rank for them. The following are the emblems we know about thanks to the Activision community. The real number is unknown to everyone. In order to rank up and get another tally you have to perform well in zombies. As you get better you start to get a tally. You need 5 tallies to rank to the next emblem. I know what vague, but no one really knows the exact system used to rank up. But based off my own experience, playing good is the best way to is to perform well and get into the later rounds. I've also noticed that your rank can be downgraded, i'm not sure if this is bad performances or leaving matches. Anyway, if you have a better idea i'd love to hear it. Also if anyone else finds more than eight of these then post them up. Love to see it.


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