Xbox One Buying the new Xbox near launch or wait awhile?

Mrs. Barnes

New Member
Apr 12, 2013
I have been heavily thinking about purchasing the new Xbox game console, So I am curious is it best to buy things when they first come out or just wait until it has been on the market for a while? Does it really make a big difference if I wait out buy immediately. I really want to get this for my husband and to get my five year old one. But I don't want to buy anything that may seem faulty or needs a little more work to perfect it. I am looking forward to you alls answers. Thank you in advance. Have a great day.

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Well it's a matter of preference. Last generation, the 360 launch was far from smoothe, but that is not likely to happen again this time around. With that said, the software side of the equation will have some bugs to work with, but nothing that should ruin the experience. Holding off for a while may ease your overall user experience, but if you're looking for a price cut, it isn't likely to happen in the first two years. The plus side to waiting is that you'll have a much larger gaming library to choose from and a larger app selection. The question is, does your husband like to be in on the watercooler conversation. I, personally, find being able to experience everything first hand as soon as possible and sharing the experience with others, the best part of buying on Day One. At this point, if you haven't preordered, it will be a light rough finding a console available prior to Christmas. I would say to wait until spring when the next batch of games release.
If you are weary about dealing with new system issues, I'd wait til each company goes through their problems. However, I don't see it happening as bad as the 360 this time around either.

On top of any of this, your likely not going to be able to even get an Xbox One until after the end of the year at the earliest and by then
all the software updates should be over and most of any real bugs worked out.
On top of any of this, your likely not going to be able to even get an Xbox One until after the end of the year at the earliest and by then
all the software updates should be over and most of any real bugs worked out.

Very true. By then, you'll be fine...

Waiting is a wise choice. Especially considering it's the only choice, unless you're willing to pay through the teeth for an eBay resale or something similar. By the time your waiting is done, more games will have come out, the console might be cheaper, and all the potential system bugs and glitches will (hopefully) have been sorted through.
Entirely up to you.

You have to consider that launch day electronics are prone to failure and don't usually go as planned. The price is extremely high right now too, which is my main reason for waiting a little while.

360 isn't dying any time soon, and Live is still going to be just as active as always for quite a while. Have you still got games to play or any games you'd still like to play? Are all your friends buying Xbox One on the first day? Can you wait a few months for the price to go down?

Just consider those things. Personally, I'm dying for my Xbox One, but for economical reasons I'm going to wait a little, and I still have a couple of 360 games I'm enjoying and would like to complete beforehand.
Jump in 'Both Feet' there will be blips but than again the next gen will be a huge leap from the now very tired 360

Based onmy personal experience with the xbox 360, i will be waiting a while. I didnt get the xbox 360 right away and i am glad because while everyone had red ring of death issues, i still have the same xbox i got later on. no issues
Based onmy personal experience with the xbox 360, i will be waiting a while. I didnt get the xbox 360 right away and i am glad because while everyone had red ring of death issues, i still have the same xbox i got later on. no issues

That is good. I went through 3 game systems and I'm hoping it doesn't happen with the One. Keeping everything crossed!

Waiting is the smarter choice, you'll have a larger selection of games, not to mention the fact that you'll likely avoid a malfunctioning unit. I'm just too impatient to wait, this is the first console launch in which I can actually afford to go out and get the system.
I would definitely wait. Just as EMS_Johnny said - its better. but also depends on your ability to cope with the OMG I WANT IT RIGHT NOW
waiting is the key - the more time passes, the bigger the amount of reviews and comments. You will have more time to consider - 500$ is quite something
waiting is the key - the more time passes, the bigger the amount of reviews and comments. You will have more time to consider - 500$ is quite something

most people have already made up their mind, so why don't they order it straight way?
If you are wise about your purchases and your money, you should know to wait, but if you got the money and the time for it, i guess that you can always buy it now, nothing is stopping you from buying something new to feel good.
If you are weary about dealing with new system issues, I'd wait til each company goes through their problems. However, I don't see it happening as bad as the 360 this time around either.


I agree with this. It's always nice to be one of the first to own a new console, but new consoles do have their fair share of issues. I don't think it'll be as bad as the 360, but I think there will still be issues. Also, there are features that won't be available on Day 1. Personally, I think a year after launch is the best time to buy. By that time, you know of most issues and, hopefully, they have been resolved by then. Also, way more games are available and you can just walk into a store and buy one. The launch games will also be a bit cheaper then, and you might even be lucky enough to get a newer version of the Xbone with a bigger HDD.

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