Xbox One Can you play Xbox live between Xbox 360 and Xbox One?


Dec 2, 2013
I have feeling that answer to my question is going to be no.Can you play between Xbox One and Xbox 360 through Xbox live? Or, is this where they are going to draw the line? I have been weary, because I felt like the Xbox One might result in the death of some of the games I love if it is not compatible with the online versions of 360. If the answer is no, is there any hope of that changing sometime in the future?
Well, I've still got a 360 but a friend of mine has the One and we can't play together anymore, so if that's what you're getting at, then no, you can't do it. I was really disappointed about that, but come this weekend I'll be getting my One, so I don't guess it'll really matter anymore!
Well, I've still got a 360 but a friend of mine has the One and we can't play together anymore, so if that's what you're getting at, then no, you can't do it. I was really disappointed about that, but come this weekend I'll be getting my One, so I don't guess it'll really matter anymore

I tried this as well. It didn't work out. I wish they could add that feature. It would be nice to play xbox 360 and xbox one at the same time.
No and there is already a thread on this. The games are on XBOX servers but on different servers.
Yeah i tried this as well i called one of my buddys and sent him a party invite and he said he didnt get it, so it def doesnt work, I wish they would add a patch or something so we could play or talk to our 360 friends that would be amazing
They want you to upgrade obviously, so that's why it wont work (playing between One and 360). You can still sale the 360 for good money, and put together the rest to buy a Xbox One, you wont be disappointed, and don't know about you but I always like to be in line with the latest (when I can, at least).
Unfortunately you can't cross-play between consoles, it might be possible if the One had backwards compatibility but sadly it doesn't.

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