Xbox One carrier strike mode(bf4) game mode


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
sound like a new mode is launching beside the navel dlc pack comming out.

hear is a little run down of the new mode.

"There are two ways of destroying the enemy carrier: either by full map control or assaulting the carrier as infantry. Each round is divided into 2 stages, starting with map control and ending with carrier attack. Both teams start on their own carrier and race to control the missile launchers placed on the map, by capturing the control points near them. This will automatically launch missiles towards the enemy carrier throughout the round, eventually destroying its hull and making it open for infantry attacks," he writes. Once access to the carrier is established, players can either drive a boat to the carrier to board it, or parachute down from spawn points above to destroy a series of M-COM stations within the hull. Alternatively, they can sit back and allow for the missile silos to reduce the carrier's health to zero.

im getting more intrested and if the patches keep comming and game improves i may go premium... sad this is i know coming soon i wont be on as much.
im getting more intrested and if the patches keep comming and game improves i may go premium... sad this is i know coming soon i wont be on as much.

The better the patches are the better the gaming experience will be. I've been playing BF4 for 2 days now, well I did go cold turkey on it but I saw the cool updates coming in so I got back to it.
the big 33 bug patch was not on xb one.. it was on ps4,360,pc only.

the last update xb1 got was feb 25
the big 33 bug patch was not on xb one.. it was on ps4,360,pc only.

the last update xb1 got was feb 25

Really? So the updates that I just noticed was from way back Feb 25? Will they have good updates for this month?
Really? So the updates that I just noticed was from way back Feb 25? Will they have good updates for this month?

no hints or articles have been posted about xb1 patches yet. the latest ps4 patch is huge...
well over 33 fixes/adjustments.

as far as xb1 :( the dead give away is at the guys at level 110.. the new max level is 120 with the patch i have yet to see an xb1 player over 110-111 i forget the max on xb1.

the last post/thread i read about xb1 patches were it effected the game more than the ps4 and that is why we are behind getting it. how tru that is i have no clue no one confirmed it or denied it.
no hints or articles have been posted about xb1 patches yet. the latest ps4 patch is huge...
well over 33 fixes/adjustments.

Now that you mentioned it, it makes me want to get it on PS4. Well I have PS4 but I got BF4 on Xbox One.
It is Carrier assault. After playing it for a while, I can say it is one of my favorite game modes in the game. It brings back my battlefield 2142 memories. Although the titan mode in 2142 was more polished and deep, the way of implementation of that in BF4 is fine enough to have fun.
It is Carrier assault. After playing it for a while, I can say it is one of my favorite game modes in the game. It brings back my battlefield 2142 memories. Although the titan mode in 2142 was more polished and deep, the way of implementation of that in BF4 is fine enough to have fun.
haha. i know man. it's really something that reminds us of our old games.

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