Xbox One Casual gamers?


Aug 13, 2014
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who plays video games a lot but isn't really a pro at any. Does anyone else here just play a wide variety of Xbox One games but aren't all that skilled at any?
That's me. I'm just like you, I play all kinds of games but never pro at any one genre. Every game I play I'll go with Normal difficulty and just finish the game. I think this is the reason why I never liked competitive multiplayer. I wouldn't call myself a casual gamer though because I don't like the casual stereotype just because I play games for fun.
I think it's called being normal and playing more than one game.. I go between games all the time..
oh i barley play games... and i suck lol... but i enjoy it...
twitch gets more use than most anything... than in air between amazon prime and netflix...
I just play the games like I feel like playing them (genius, right?). If a game is super interesting and has a lot of replay value, then I'll spend time becoming good at it. But I usually reserve that devotion for online PC games like SC2, CSGO and Dota2. Between those three, I don't really have the energy to put a lot of effort into something else.
Competitive gameplay among gamers maybe common or rare depending on where you are from. As for me, I never found much competitive player around me, they all seem to prefer casual gaming and doing it just for the fun. I remember my experience from an online match from a fighting game though. I thought I was a great at the game, and I got absolutely thrashed when playing against others online XD It's nice to know that there's great and enthusiastic gamers who spend a lot of time to hone their skills out there, but it's bad to lose to them so many times XD

I think of myself as somewhere in the middle, the kind of gamer who is sometimes competitive, but remains a casual most of the time.
There is nothing wrong in playing the games the way we wanted. Those that like to brand gamers are just those that think too highly of themselves or take gaming too seriously. Just because we want to just have fun playing games instead of being competitive, we're branded as "casuals."
What's wrong with being called casual? If you don't put in a ton of effort into becoming good at the game then you are casually playing the game, a.k.a. a casual player. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's the truth of the matter that you're not a hardcore player. It's up to you if you want to attach any value to this or not.
In the past players got very good at games since the games they played were fewer. Mom bought you that NES game you wanted? Play it and repeat until you drop tired. Now things are different. You find cheap indie games, games on sales etc. You bite more than you can chew so you tend to play them all never getting good at any. Sure, there are competitive games, multiplayer ones and some people are very good, but they have lots of time to play or no other passions. Me, I play to relax and escape the reality. I don't give a damn if I'm a casual, I just have fun :D
I am one of those gamers who can;t aim with controllers at all. Needless to say, I suck when it comes to multiplayer counterpart of any game.
Yeah, that's me right here. I'm a huge fan of gaming really but I'm not that hardcore of a gamer to spend 5-8 hours a day just sitting in front of my console playing a game. I don't know maybe I'm just too old but still, I wouldn't want to spend that much time playing. I think I have some skills to compete online just not the dedication.
I'm a casual gamer, too. I have a ton of games between several consoles and switch back and forth between the different games and consoles all the time. I'm not a hardcore, competitive multiplayer by any means.
If it's a video game, then I'm almost guaranteed to be pretty good at it. If it's a first-person shooter, then I'm guaranteed to be great at them. I almost played competitively in CoD and Halo titles. I wasn't as good at Battlefield games, but I could still hold my own against great players. I've been playing video games since I was three, though. The main thing that prevents me from playing competitively is that I'd rather pursue other goals, but I'm close to a pro at most games, even the titles I play casually. I just like being good at games, so I play to win or to master.
I can kind of relate. Generally speaking, in gaming (and life) I'm a competitive person, but I'm not a pro at any genre or a specific game. I respect people who are a pro, but I'm not interested in putting my interest in it like that. When I was younger, I was more interested in becoming a pro or mastering a game. Nowadays, I enjoy the fun of a game more. I do work on skill in my leisure time. Solely just to play better, not for competitive purposes.
I'm exactly the same like you JonathanS. I used to be a very competitive child and this also transferred into gaming. I loved the competitive side and always did different online competitions or clan wars and so on. Now that I've aged a bit (I am not that old but still) I feel like I don't feel attracted to the competitive side of gaming nearly as much as I used to be. So I guess I can be a casual gamer in that reference. The first thing for me now when it comes to games is FUN. I switch games around all the time. You can't really be a ''pro'' at games if you don't focus your time on one or maybe two games.
I don't consider myself a casual gamer, but at the same time I don't consider myself a pro. I'm just... normal. I suck at some games, and I consider myself good at others. It depends on the game, on the genre, on many factor. Also on one day I might be awesome at one game, and the next day I might suck on it, maybe because I'm tired or something.
Gaming is just an hobby, I don't put too much effort in it. I want just to enjoy it.