Xbox One Cold Weather


New Member
Dec 14, 2013
I'm making the switch! Being a longtime Sony fan, for no particular reason, I've decided to go with MS this time around, so I'm Fairly new.

I am going to receive my Xbox One on Tuesday. Being from MI and it shipping through Amazon from PA, this system I fear will be dang near frozen by the time I get it. I will have to wait a little longer and test my patience when I receive it because I don't think I should just plug it in and go after receiving it in below freezing temps. My question is, how long would you wait and how would you know its warmed up enough to launch up?

Sorry I'm a newb and if this is out of topic.
Unless you're dealing with extreme temperatures, I would probably wait half an hour at most before attempting use.
I've never thought about this before, but I reckon you should bring it into your house and wait until it acclimates to room temperature. You should be able to gauge that by putting your hand to it. If it feels cold, wait. When it feels warm or neutral, go ahead and get 'er going!
I agree with the others. Well judging from the extreme temperature you might really have to wait for half an hour to safely use it. By the way, welcome to the club. I've been using Xbox One for weeks now and I'm loving it.
Yeah don't use it when it's too cold or hot, you don't want to mess it up. Just let it adjust to the room temperature so you don't get a problem in the future.
Yeah don't use it when it's too cold or hot, you don't want to mess it up. Just let it adjust to the room temperature so you don't get a problem in the future.

I guess it's best to ask for support from microsoft to make sure if it's good to use whether it's cold or not.
TBH unless they are using very odd components (could, its microsoft) you would be fine running it, as long as we aren't talking extreme cold. That said, best advice is still let it warm up to room temperature.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. I'd let it sit for an hour or two and warm up a bit and you should be totally fine!
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I'm mainly concerned about running it when its too cold, letting the components inside heat up too fast, causing condensation and a terrible terrible accident.

And yes, I would consider it "extremely cold" Its about 7 F right now and my XB1 is scheduled for early arrival today!!! I need some sleep because I work graveyard, been up since 5pm yesterday, lol but I wanna be awake to receive the goodies. I think I will take it out of the packaging and leave it on the table while I sleep, then wake up to a brand new room-temp system!

I will update this if any issues arise.

Thanks again.
I'm in Jersey now but I lived in Lansing when I was going to school and yeah it got unfair cold during the winter so I feel your pain. I would say that it would be best for you to just unpack it and then let it rest of a while. Your plan actually seems pretty good, letting it rest while you sleep and warm up naturally before use. That should help you avoid any issues.
Man, I was thinking due to where I live (Philippins), the heat was going to fizzle my future Xbox One but seems somebody is thinking the opposite :-D. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just let it warm up as the others say and you'll be fine and dandy. I play my PS3 in an air-condition room or ventilated room so as long as there's some right ventilation, you're good to go.
Well it's been a few days and the Xbox is in tip top shape I received it at around 11am, like a kid at Christmas I un-boxed everything and let it sit on my game room table as I went to sleep for the day, I woke up at about 6 pm to see my Xbox hanging out at room temp, plugged that sucker in and went to town, I love this system, The kinect is awesome, the commands are OK right now but man I see some amazing possibilities with this thing in the future.

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