Xbox One Controller gets disconnected


Active Member
Feb 5, 2016
I was surprised the other day when my controller disconnected itself suddenly while I was engrossed in my game. It's usually a battery issue that causes such disruptions so I put in new batteries but it kept getting disconnected. I tried resetting but to no avail. I have no idea what the solution could be.
You don't have it set to cut off prematurely to reserve battery life, do you? Of course that shouldn't matter if you're actively using it. I'm not sure what this could be. You might have to re-sync the controller with the One after replacing the batteries.
ive seen this with a few beta updates.. it seems to be a isolated thing.. my issue worked out after a few reports/chats with Microsoft directly.. I think they pushed me an update thru and it went away..

my latest issue has been wireless controller just going non responsive except the home button as well as chatt just going in and out thru my Kinect..
I had this happen quite a bit and then just spontaneously stop, no idea what to tell you lol. I did literally nothing to change or fix it, just hasn't happened in like 3 or 4 weeks from today. Starting to think a few fixes are going to be rolled out soon, ms prolly knows about all this
Bеing аn еаrly аdоptеr оf аny kind оf nеw tесhnоlоgy соmеs with risks оf dеfесts аnd glitсhеs. Wе аll knоw thаt, аnd wе livе with it whеn wе mаkе suсh purсhаsеs оut оf еithеr nесеssity оr wаnt аnd intеrеst. Hоwеvеr, thеrе’s nо dеnying thаt suсh issuеs саn bе inсrеdibly frustrаting – if thаt’s еvеn а strоng еnоugh wоrd.
I don't even bother with wireless anymore because of issues like this. For one, batteries can get super expensive if you are playing a lot, and also, why risk it losing a connection in the middle of a game and then bumbling around your room trying to find batteries. The cord is not a distraction at all since I play close to my TV anyways. I'll take reliability over a small lapse of comfort any day of the week. I do wonder though if somewhere out there, there is a controller extension wire.
Well, I have a lot of friends that have experienced the same problem as you and all they did to fix it up was buy some new batteries, you should try it, it will probably fix your problem, however, I personally think you should somehow start to get used to playing with the wired plugged into the console in order to avoid wasting batteries and such things, I highly agree with Norjak, you will probably have to forget about the wireless feature.