Xbox One Custom XBox One controllers and case.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Do you ever paint your controllers or mod your console case with stickers/stencils? Or if you're not skilled, would you pay for someone to custom paint your console?
I keep seeing on Facebook all kinds of fancy controllers that people own and while I do like them I don't think I'll ever spend cash on having a mod done.
I'm more into my consoles looking like a part of my AV gear than R2D2 or something.
I got me a customized controller from Chaos controllers for my birthday . Its professionally painted with customized buttons and triggers on it . But I chose not to get any mods done to it . I like the challenge of the games without any type of controller advantage . But to me the controller is just something to say I have a custom controller for my x box one .
I really like to customize my consoles. I spend more time putting too many stickers on them. I sometimes if I have free time like to put some on my control especially the one that I consider my favorite control.