Original Xbox Death of the Xbox...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2014
Aside from the obvious reason, why did you think the Xbox didn't last as long as the PS2? The Xbox has a lot of great games and is even better than the PS2 when it comes to the visuals, why do you think it ended so soon?
Visuals and power doesn't win a generation or equal to long term success. It hasn't done that since the 3rd generation of consoles. As MetalSwift has pointed out several times, the consoles that weren't as impressive when it came to power and graphics usually dominated.

As for a more concrete why, Microsoft typically fails to establish itself strongly outside of anywhere that isn't the US or doesn't have a huge FPS fanbase.
I don't see it as a death for Xbox, it was simply Microsoft testing the waters to see if the water was warm enough for a third/fourth major console and laying down the brand work for what they truly wanted (Xbox One).
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Yeah that's the best way to see it. "Death of Xbox" or "demise" implies that the console spelled doom for the brand beforehand, which turns out wasn't the case.
I think Microsoft will come out with something new, they can't let the other manufacturers be top dog in anything. They seem to be losing the war with Apple but don't want to go down to everyone else.
I think the main reason why the original Xbox didn't last as long as other console's like the PS1 or PS2 was because Microsoft. For whatever reason Microsoft decided to cut support for the Xbox almost immediately after the the 360 was released, unlike Sony and I applaud them for that.
I would say because of the games available, the old xBox didn't have much awesome titles compared to how many the Playstation 1 and Playsation 2 did
They will probably come up with something new; they have to because the market is so competitive. Otherwise they will start to really lag behind the competition and that just can't be allowed to happen.
Well i wouldn't say it didn't last as long, the PS2 came out long before the xbox, despite that, the Xbox had, and is still considered among the big 3, (the big 2 depending on who you ask)...
I don't think that the Xbox died out quickly because a lot of people where still playing the Xbox I mean even until this day I know tons of people who still play the Xbox in there spare time. I think that the greatest games that were ever released on the Xbox had to be Halo and GTA San Andreas.
It really goes back to the maker of the console and what they did or did not do to keep it improving and growing. Microsoft let a wonderful possibility slip through its fingers and I am sure that they have regrets that they did. Bad business on their part.
I wouldn't consider it the Death of the XBOX, but I don't think it did as good as the PS2 because people probably didn't like blocks in their living room. The XBOX was big, and I don't ever remember MS coming out with better versions.

They lack so much where PS doesn't. There was no slim XBOX to come out, and well that was probably another good reason. Lack of fresh designs year after year.

The XBOX remained the same, but the only differences I ever saw was custom modded consoles.
Well I think that @Guy brings up some good points. The look of the XBox has never really done it any favors, and who knows, that might have had a bigger effect on people than we would have thought. I know that it factors in to my opinions, although I am not really all that sure how much it does, but I know it does. It is interesting to think about though, so thanks for sharing.

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