Xbox One DICE Answers Battlefield 4 Questions

Yep, I have already read it. They have answered quite a few questions. I wish they could support the modding on PC though. I am going to play it on my PC anyway.
Read that too.
I liked how they said that dinosaurs is an option, I want them to make it a reality :3
What I want to know is if Premium (season pass) will be available at launch and for how much.
What I want to know is if Premium (season pass) will be available at launch and for how much.

expect it within the first month of launch... also it will be a 49.99 dollar season pass like all big fps season passes. cod/bf4 are all on the same page with pricing and release stuff. iirc about the 2nd/3rd week after cod launch the season pass is released but reamember the first dlc is bundled in with the pre order so you gettign your first xtra content the 2nd month. and usually quarterly after that.

forza is the same way. with the pre order you get the 5 bonus cars with pre order and with the limited edition you get like 10+the pre order bonus.. you also get free cars monthly and some random stuff as a limited edition player.. forza caters to those limited edition guys. i cant tell you all the in game stuff you get weekly. some of the races are for limied edition members only to play for unicorn cars and such.

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