Xbox One DICE Beta Testing Battlefield 4 Platoons, the Pre-Game Lobby Feature


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
Games like Halo and Call of Duty let players group up at pre-game lobbies before they go in to action but until now, such a feature was missing from Battlefield 4.

full article:

wonder if this will fix the party connection/team mismatch... basically if you are in a party and in the game sometimes if teams shift or dump and get new players it will shuffle existing players and can pull you apart.

they do show which lobby your friends are in but dosn't guarantee you ill be on same team.
platoon is going live very soon.

When Platoons roll out later this week, players can expect the following:

The ability to create and join a Platoon for up to 100 members.
Basic Platoon management such as inviting, applying, and promoting/demoting members.
A private and public Platoon feed, where you can communicate and coordinate.
A Platoon emblem and tag that all members can easily apply.
The ability to earn stats for your Platoon and rank it up, and see all the matches you played together.

i am curious to see how this works.. most of the time the game bounces you around when people log off ect ect.. your not always in the same group often not even same team when it does happen.

i like the idea but see it as becoming a way to lock in your troops/players and could potentially run the lobby.. i would like to see better match making say a team sweeps a map 600 kills or so.. it gets paired up against another troop who swept the map.. than pairs up the 2 loosing teams.. the way it stands your usually grinding against the same players..

and what ever happned to the battle log locals thing where you could serch for players near you.
When Platoons roll out later this week, players can expect the following:

The ability to create and join a Platoon for up to 100 members.
Basic Platoon management such as inviting, applying, and promoting/demoting members.
A private and public Platoon feed, where you can communicate and coordinate.
A Platoon emblem and tag that all members can easily apply.
The ability to earn stats for your Platoon and rank it up, and see all the matches you played together.

That's really something. I think I have to go back into playing BF4 this time. Haha
Nice, this is really something. BF4 just gets better and better. Some of the bugs / issues that I've noticed before are now gone. Well it's a good feature to add since you get to join a platoon and battle against one with your own group. That's really something to watch out for.
i dont think it is out yet... i havn't seen change yet.

Yeah, well they might be holding it back because there might still be some bugs on it. Well I don't mind waiting as long as they get the whole thing running without any issues.
i have no issues waiting either they still have quite a bit of patches to launch before its remotely fixed.. they are already talking about the next dlc this month and the game is still crashing... not as muchbut i still get it semi frequently.

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