Xbox 360 Did "No Russian" go over the top?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2013
As you may know, the campaign mission "No Russian" stirred up a lot of controversy, as you watch innocent people get massacred in an airport, and can even participate yourself. While I can understand there being strife over this, I think that the thing to remember is that an M-rated game can (and should be allowed to) have such depictions. My verdict: yes, the scene is grisly, and definitely not for children, but due to the rating of the game, I'm fine with it.
I agree with you that the M rating allows for gruesome scenes like this. I think some people have a problem because they wonder what line the gaming industry will cross next. In short, I see both sides of the fence on this one.
I see nothing wrong with it. You assume the risk you may have to kill non-living civilians (aka virtual civilians) when you buy a war game. If people have a problem with it, they can skip the mission like it ask before the mission.
You can start up any GTA game and start shooting at innocent civilians at any time you want yet thats not a problem? I understand though, because in the No Russian mission you are encouraged to shoot people BUT, this still doesn't take away the fact this is a video game and none of it is real. If parents dont want their children playing this game it is their responsibility. By the way in 10 years everyone will laugh at this game, anyone remember this game called Carmageddon? You play as a car driver supposed to drive over as many people as you can, the game was banned in several countries but in this time and age nobody will take a game with early Playstation 1 graphics serious anymore.
GTA has stirred up a great deal of controversy as well, and I still withhold my stance that it's entirely acceptable given that the game has an M rating. And I think any exceedingly violent game, regardless of realism, will rustle some jimmies. What it amounts to is newer games will be at the forefront of the discussion.
I think, like anything else, it's up to the buyer (player) whether this is "over the top." Since they do allow the player to skip it, I see no reason why they should be maligned for adding it in.
I think it is no more controversial than the part where you play as the guy dying from radiation poisoning.

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