Did you get your first choice of gamertag?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2013
So just wondering, did you get the gamer tag you wanted, or did you have to alter it slightly (or alot)?
I've had my gamertag since 2006 and haven't changed it since. It's been my nickname in my childhood, though hardly anyone ever calls me it anymore I still have it as my gamertag.
I pretty much always use the same username on any site, so I used the same with my gamertag and I still like it, its just who I am!
<--- (Jeffskenn)
I'd had my name established for almost a decade so I think I pretty much had it on lock. So yes. Haha
Got it right away. Was kind of a point of pride for me. Either nobody is as clever or as dorky as I am.
Got mine first time too. Kind of surprising really, considering the amount of people who used Xbox Live already, haha.
Its funny how many people get their first choice, I was thinking it would be way less. Even I got mine on the first try.
I changed mine after a year because it was too nooby with numbers and everything....I changed it to something original, but I had to do a 3 instead of an E. But I searched the gamertag and the one with the E wasn't even taken.

Oh well, right now it's all original and I got what I wanted! Feels good, and no numbers!
I never was the creative type, so i had to go through a lot of options until i managed to get a name that i liked. Still, wasn't an easy job, took me around 3 to 4 hours to finally decide.
No, i had to look for gamertags for about 20 minutes. But i like original Gamertags.
I got the one I chose, but it was a really stupid one because it's my name. I wasn't planning on playing games online when I chose it. I think my original gamertag was the username I use for everything, but I lost access to it or something. Now I have so many achievements and stuff that I'd have no choice but to pay to change my gamertag (which I don't really want to do, so here we are).
i have used my other sn since i can reamember on car forums.. it is my email for xbox live and like it... the one i use now its more related to my fishing hobby more than my other one.
I sadly didn't get the original gamertag I wanted. So I had to altar the name by just one letter. I wanted "Sleeping In" first, but it was already taken. So I changed the I in "In" to an L but didn't capitalize. It looks the same as the original "Sleeping ln".
No I doidn't get my original gamertag I wanted. I had to try 5 times and for like 30 minutes to get one gamertag to work. I don't really like it either. Also I am not very imaginative so I got two animals and merged them together in my name.
Didn't quite get the exact gamertag I wanted for Xbox. I was hoping to get just KRec but I ended up getting KRec2, not really a big deal but i would have liked to get just plain KRec. I decided to go with 2 instead of 1 just because I already had a few accounts on other sites that were KRec2.
I had to add the Lil in front of mine because just Muffin was taken. Nobody ever says that part though when they talk to me if they know me. Muffin has been my gamertag for years, but I usually have to add something to it on everything cause Muffin is just so simple, but it's a super old nickname that just sounded good taking to the gaming world!
I got my original one just as I wanted it and only changed it when I got married because, well, it's kinda my name. I've used the basic name since XBL came out and now it's totally stuck. I use it for a lot of stuff...
My first gamertag was embarrassing but I don't remember what it was, I changed it once I turned 16 and then again around 18. But each time I was able to get what I wanted.
Yep, no one had a similar one, so no weird added numbers or letters to add if I wanted to use it, so that's nice.
Yup. c:

I wasn't going settling for adding numbers, so I felt lucky when this wasn't taken.

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