I got my 360 the day they first came out and I love it I got my Xbox 1 two weeks ago and I'm at the point where I'm about get a ps4 and never look back. The reason why is because I should be able to play a game when I want to for example when I go to game stop and get a game I expect to play it when I get home not wait two f***ing weeks for it 2 install. It's my internet that's causing it to take so long. But I shouldn't even have to wait at all if I want a game to be installed then I should be able to like the 360 I can choose which games to install. On top of that I can't even listen to a CD without downloading an app which takes up memory space that I could use for games. I have never been so disappointed in my life. The Xbox 1 is a waste of money there is nothing about it that makes it worth buying