Xbox One Discussion about Mirror Edge 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
One announced on Xbox and now on PS4, Mirror Edge episode will be released only on consoles and PC Next-Gent. ;)
Dice is still dealing development.Personally, knowing that Dice does the game, I have no worries. I was surprised to hear that the game will be Open World.
I could not have been happier.

The only flaw of the first game was his short life.
I think Dice will catch us out for a great action game with this perfect character that is Faith.:D

Sounds interesting, but I'll have to wait to play it. It makes sense to have it be next-gen exclusive since an open world Mirror's Edge game sounds pretty intense, and I don't think the Xbox 360 or PS3 would be able to handle it. They'd probably have to change some of the dynamics a bit to make an open world more practical, but that seems doable.
I had a really engaging experience with the first one, it had a really nice gameplay. Runing around in a huge city free runing everywhere and jumping from building to building sounds like fun. If the game has a nice story.. I'm there!
Well I'm not exactly into these sort of parkour games but the graphics are just completely unbelievable. Without a doubt, I'm definitely looking forward to buy Mirrors edge 2, as I had quite a blast in the first one.
Have they released any details about ME2 so far? Aside from the trailer we saw at E3, I don't think there's been a single word on how the game is going to look like or when it'll be released, if ever. The only thing I know is that it's going to use Frostbyte.
That image looks great especially compared to the first mirrors edge. I actually just picked up the first game recently and was in awe. I had played it on the xbox a long time ago and couldnt get into it. Giving it a second chance on the PC changed my mind about it.
Open world? That's interesting. I was lukewarm about the first one, it was fun up until you had to start shooting people. The guns part really took me out of it.
I would love to play a sequel to Mirror's Edge but as you said one downside to the previous game was the fact that it really only lasted a few hours; hopefully it is a bit longer this time around and I think this is a game that could actually benefit from an open world seeing as how the parkour is so inventive.
I'm at the part where you have to run across a set of construction beams, and then down a big shaft which i guess is a drain shaft. This is right after the scene where i run into my sister and the dead guy. How long do i have left?
Mirror's Edge is steadily on the list of my most favorite games on any platform, ever. It combined first person action with platforming, and it's pretty much a league on its own. I haven't seen a single parkour/freerunning game so far that's been as good ME, be it third or first person. Not to mention dat soundtrack.
Sadly this game is still on the works. They haven't decided as to when this will be released, They just placed it on the site that it will be released on 2015 (without any particular month and it's still tentative)

Mirror's Edge 2 is the upcoming prequel[1] to Mirror's Edge and is currently in development by DICE. It will be published by EA in 2015 and will revolve around Faith's past. It is also going to be called Mirror's Edge, which is bound to lead to some confusion.

I've played the first Mirror's Edge game, It didn't work for me that much, I hope that this sequel does better than the first and I hope there are new things added and the game play should be way better since it is going to be on Xbox One.
I just hope the game will last much longer than the first, because that one was honestly lackluster in utilizing its full potential. I hope they’re not being indecisive because they can’t make the game any shorter, or something of that nature. It always turns me off whenever developers state they need more time, then feel rushed because they want to satisfy the fan base before they’re nonexistent, and then do a bad job in general.

2015 seems like a long time from now honestly, and I wonder how things will fair after a stream of games will come in for the next-gen consoles. I just hope it won’t be that game that will be drowned out by major releases just because it came out at an awkward time where video game sales would be at their lowest.
I'm just glad that they are at least still working on it instead of canceeling the game. I don't mind them taking their time if it means a far better game than the first one. There so many great games coming this year, Mirror's Edge might get looked over. Time flies so before you know it 2015 is here.
Yeah, time flies so fast. Same here, I'm really happy that they are still working on the game and at least now they have a confirmation about it.
Wow, well that good to hear. Now that they have a certainty to when this game will come out, my hopes for the game is back. Well I guess we have to wait a little longer until we can get this bad boy on our own homes.
At least it is getting released! Think about it this way, the longer they take, more work into it, so the game will be better! haha

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