Do you get mad when you lose at games?


Nov 13, 2012
I've seen a lot of teenagers acting out because... they can't pass some level at the game they're playing or they can't win the game as they planned etc. Are you like this ? Do you get really mad when you can't win a game or move on to the next quest/level?
If I have tried, like, 100 times to get past a level and fail, that's the time when I get really mad at myself. Also, when I'm in a competition and all of my foes are experts and I keep on losing, I get frustrated. I think it's normal to get frustrated if you lose. No one likes losing right?
Honestly, if I try and try to pass a level or complete a challenge but just fail and if I start to get angry to the point of wanting to throw the controller, I just stop and leave it for a couple of days. I've come close to breaking controllers a few times, but thankfully haven't resorted to that.
Honestly, I am the kind the person who gets REALLY mad if I lose. Ever since I was young, I was always a competitive person even until today I am. I mean, I don't throw my controller or something but usually I just curse and shout. I do have to admit, I did throw my controller once and it broke :S
Sure I got mad when I lost at games.....when I was like 10. By time I was I think 13, I had long outgrew moaning and groaning about losing at video games.
I'm not really the type to get mad too easily about anything. If I've tried again and again and can't seem to get past part of a game it's a little frustrating, but nothing worth getting seriously angry about.
I occasionally get frustrated if it is taking forever to beat a level, because I don't want to exit and lose my progress, but I want to go and do more productive things!
I don't really go crazy with anger though, it is just a game....
I easily get flustered with the game if it's not going my way, and it's a really annoying thing, too-- I become less focused when I'm upset, and then continue to get worse fueling my rage and setting up a cycle. But what really gets to me is that when I'm mad, I sometimes question my anger and that TRULY begins my rage. But being a well mannered person, I try to keep it to myself when playing with friends, and just hold it in to the best of my ability, sometimes biting my cheek or scratching my head.
I used to get mad when I lost in fighting games like The king of fighters and Soul Calibur with my friends, and now I just can´t stand games with bad controls like Assassin Creed 3, that is the only thing that can get on my nerves when I´m playing games.
Pssh! Me, getting mad at a video game? Never. *tries to hide my avatar*

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