Xbox 360 Do you have to get all the achievements in a game?


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
I do. I'm a perfectionist, it hurts me to have an incomplete game! The only exception to that is Hexic HD... screw that game.
Rarely! Only if I really like the game and the achievements aren't annoying to get. I only have a few 1000GS games, actually... Dark Souls, Divinity 2, Dragon's Dogma, Metal Gear Rising... yeah, I think it's only those that I have all achievements for.

Reminds me that I was really close to getting all achievements for Asura's Wrath, but I stopped playing near the end of my final playthrough for some reason. I should go back and ace it!
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

I have to admit that before buying a game, i see the achievements. No, i don't buy games for easy achievements and i especially don't ignore games because of achievements being too hard.

I see the hard achievements, look right into their eyes and whisper into them: "You going to get wrecked!".
I have collector's blood in me. I like to collect things. I have collected numerous things in the past like comic books, coins, stamps and NBA cards. Now in the digital world, I want to collect achievements and show them off to my friends. When that achievement is hard to reach, it makes me want to get it even more. Maybe it's human nature, we want what we can't have.
It annoys me that I don't get all the achievements from time to time, but I'm not the one that wants every single achievement.
You get achievements as you get through the game, you don't want to replay it and try to get the achievements you missed. Seems like a waste of time for me.

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