I like the design a lot even though it's boxy. Microsoft really took the lesson and made the Xbox One very well ventilated. The thing I like the most though, is the Xbox logo that lights up when the console is turned one. If I really have to nitpick, I'd say the size of the console is too big.
Do you like the design of the Xbox One? What do you wish was different about it? Would you change anything at all or just leave it the way it is?
I'm fine with the design of the xb1. It is boxy but looks really nice on my entertainment shelves.
Same here. The design is pretty neat. Chunky but somehow elegant. The cute kind of chunky. Plus, it does resolve the overheating issues so it's a design with purpose.
Same here. The design is pretty neat. Chunky but somehow elegant. The cute kind of chunky. Plus, it does resolve the overheating issues so it's a design with purpose.
Yup, that's true. Whoever keeps saying the design should be changed should consider this. It WAS MADE TO RESOLVE THE HEATING ISSUES. Any more changes and it might make more issues. At least now the XB1 can run nicely. I mean, sc_shark in these forums said he ran his XB1 for 32 straight hours!! See? The design has purpose.
Consoles are meant to be played on, not looked at! That said the X1 looks fine to me.