Do you play as a male or female character in RPGs?


Mar 23, 2013
When you play RPG do you play as a female character or male? Personally, I play the guy character first and then play as a girl the second time around.
I usually play as a guy, just because I named my Xbox Cpt. America.
Always play as a male character, because I'm a man. Now now, it's not that I have a problem with playing as a female character but if the character in a game is supossed to "represent" me (which is usually the case in games with character creation), I prefer to make the character male. Using the same logic, I would certainly play always as females if I was a female.
I play as a male. I really don't see the point in playing as a female being that I'm a guy.
I usually play as a Male. In Dead Island, I did and will play again as Xian Mei, however, in exceptions for skills, gender doesn't matter to me.

I do like playing as males in Skyrim for sure, the lady's grunting just don't do it for me. :p
When I get to choose character's genders, I usually pick a male character, I guess it feels more natural to me, given that I'm a man.
However, if there's any differences between genders, I don't mind picking a female if she has advantage over the male characters. For example, I enjoyed playing with Siren in Borderlands, she had amazing skills.
Also, I'm playing Tomb Raider right now and playing with Lara is really cool, I personally love her accent :)
I always play as a female. I just don't even like the idea of trying to fit into male shoes. When I do make a girl, she's not a girly girl sex appeal kind of girl either. I make my girl exactly how I am: Tough, but kind.
When I play I am usually a boy, that way me and my character can be home-boys plenty easily. I like to create my character as closely to myself as possible, and the gender is the first step, so I am (almost) always a boy RPG character.
It honestly depends on the type of rpg for me. For instance, with a game with as much character involvement as saaaay Mass Effect or SW: Knights of the Old Republic, I feel the need to try and make a character as close to myself personality and physical-wise in order to empathize a little better in the story. On other occasions, such as with games like Sword of Mana(GBA) and the like where the script is already done, I just go with the flow. Doesn't hurt to play both though, right?
I really don't care about genders much, so usually I would go with male. However, there are some games where people fake as being a girl so they can get all the perks and items from guys that are gullible enough to believe it.
Depends, on what characters I find more interesting. Most of the times I go for the male characters, but sometimes I like to go for the chicks. A friend once told me he always plays female chars because he would rather see female ass pixels insted of male :))).

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