Xbox 360 Do you think the Orange Box could have sold well as individual games?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2012
As most of you know, the Orange Box is a collection of 3 beloved games. Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and at the time, a new comer called Portal. Each game was different and good in their own right. But did they really need to be thrown together in a set like this in order to sell?
Well, at the time of release, these games were fairly small in size and TF2 didn't have the following it does now (oh, and it's extremely limited on the 360). It was cheaper to throw them on one disk because of this, and more users would buy it knowing there's three games to a disc. Valve is doing much better now, and single releases are on the way (Portal 2 already out).
I do think that it could have sold well as individual games. With XBOX 360's ability to download games pretty easily these days, it only makes sense that these would sell well separately. That said, selling them together has definitely expanded the audience for each of these games. There are a lot of people who have been exposed to Portal that never would have tried it if it had been sold on its own.
I agree with Timmy. It was the best move to gain more of a fan base and, like Moxidate said, now they are starting to release single games. I think it's a win-win for everyone.
I feel less people would of bought TF2 if it wasn't part of the box, I really like the way all the games combined together to really get a great deal. I love valve for this.
People love a deal and what they got with this one was three really awesome games. Sure, they could have sold them all seperately but would the games sold as well as they did, who knows. What I think was the fact that at the time this realitively new and unknown game developer had placed something out there that no one had really done before barring bargin bin stuff. With Valve taking a big risk, the gamble had paid off ten-fold.
I think it would have sold well as individual games because they are popular games. I did like the convenience of having it all in one box though and I bought it because I didn't have any of the games on console already, I only had the base game on the PC.
Yes, in the end, all of the games would've sold really well individually. But think of this: You're a gamer, walking into the nearest store that happens to sell games. You see a lot of cool games and then you see this game that happens to have three games inside. What a steal! Clearly the bargain shopper inside you is begging you to get it, so you do. Turns out having three-in-one is a pretty great marketing scheme.
Yes, in the end, all of the games would've sold really well individually. But think of this: You're a gamer, walking into the nearest store that happens to sell games. You see a lot of cool games and then you see this game that happens to have three games inside. What a steal! Clearly the bargain shopper inside you is begging you to get it, so you do. Turns out having three-in-one is a pretty great marketing scheme.
This; I always appreciate a good compilation, and The Orange Box is definitely one of them. I also think that new and lesser-known IPs are risky, so TOB was a good opportunity for Valve to gain some steam (no pun intended) with a lesser-known series (TF) and a new IP (Portal). To address the ultimate question, would they have sold well individually? Maybe, but maybe not; it could be that Portal and TF would have fewer fans if they weren't part of TOB.
I think they would have sold well as individual games, but the sales would not have been nearly as much as the Orange Box generated. The Orange Box was a great value and it was one of those games that I had to get when I got my Xbox 360.
The thing is, I believe that Valve did not sell each of these games individually because of the positive reputation it got them. If you look at many game review websites, Their top 10 or top 100 lists always contain the orange box in a high position. I do think though that they all would have done well by themselves anyway.

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