Xbox 360 Do you think this is the best Assassin's Creed game?


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
I do. Combat and story was vastly improved over the first one in this game, and they've been going downhill ever since.
Yeah, cause people really play this for the story. Not a whole lot of technical improvements.
Another 'yes' vote from me! The story was brilliant and I liked how it went to so many locations - you felt like you were genuinely travelling around Italy. It was great to see Rome, Venice, Florence and the rest. Plus I prefer that setting to the crusades (AC) or the American frontier (AC 3)...but that's just my personal preference.
Yes, it was definitely the best one. This one required more stealth, for one thing, and was more being an assassin, instead of the "in your face" attacking on the third one.
So far I think it definitely is the best one. It fixed all the repetitiveness and stale missions from the first Assassin's Creed. Not only that but it added so many more different kinds of missions, weapons, story arcs and locations. I struggled finishing Assassin's I and even Assassin's III, which I felt was a huge let down. On the other hand, once I picked up Assassin's II, I could not put it down and beat the main story line and most of the side-quests until I was forced to stop playing for outside reasons.

I feel all the other games that came after have been very gimmicky and just add minor improvements but nothing too fun or groundbreaking. I really hope Black Flag takes the next big step in the franchise. It has a good premise and the Caribbean locations seem very cool to explore. I love Ubisoft and I hope they rediscover the magic they once had.
I don't know about best overall, but it was excellent for sure. I liked Brotherhood and Revelations, but they really were like extensions of ACII. I haven't played Assassin's Creed III yet, so I can't really comment on that, but I really like the series as a whole.
I think so! The combat improved without question, and I was relatively impressed all around. I think they improved a lot of the issues and came out with something solid.
Most definitely. Assassin's Creed 1 was amazing for the first couple of hours. Getting to your first city was incredible, and felt really adventurous and real. Unfortunately, it became repetitive really quickly, and you ended up doing the same Investigation missions over and over again just to get to the good stuff (Assassinations), which took a very small fragment of the whole experience.

Assassin's Creed II changed this completely. The mechanics were still familiar but fantastically more varied, with better combat and way more weapons and opportunities. The revamp of the mission system was vital to the franchises future, and worked wonderfully. And the setting... oh the setting. Renaissance Italy has been by far the greatest setting I've ever encountered in a game. I actually went to Europe this winter and visited both Florence and Venice. I thought of the game the whole time... it really captured their feel amazingly.

The narrative aspect was obviously greatly improved too. The story got way more engaging, and the characters felt much more real. Ezio's dashing initial personality matured very nicely, and every single secondary character (Leonardo, Borgia, etc) was very well developed. Even Desmond became interesting for a short while!

The best thing, however, was the charm and magic the whole experience had. The first time you climb a building (after a race with Federico), when you get to the top of a chapel and see Florence from above was one of the best moments in every game ever. Ezio's Family (a song from the soundtrack I very much urge you to listen too) sounding in the background while the Assassin's Creed logo showed was a great touch, but what really made it was the conversation between Ezio and his brother:

Federico:"It is a good life we live brother".
Ezio: "May it never change"
Federico. "And may it never change us".

Those words resonated with me for the rest of the game, because of course... Ezio's life changes quite quickly. As soon as this words sounded though, I knew I was in for a hell of a ride.
Nah, I would give that to Assassin Creed 3. I really do feel like AC3 was a big step up, but I will say that I enjoy this entry into the mythos and found it much improved from the first game. The one thing that irritated me was that I feel like it lost some of the wonderful gravis that the first entry had - particularly when it comes to knocking off the targets, but that can be put down to different characters with different personalities.
I do. I've liked them all but I do feel Assassin's Creed 2 is the strongest game. I specially love how much it improved compared to the very repetitive first game. I kind of liked the first game's story better, but the first game's gameplay sure wasn't as good. Assassin's Creed 2 removed the repetition and added a LOT of new options and things which certainly made the game more fun to actually play. Assassin's Creed was fun to mess around for a bit but I found myself rushing the crappy repetitive investigations just so I could get to Assassinations and progress through the story.

So yeah, AC2 is the best in my opinion, specially because it's such an amazing improvement over its predecessor.
Yes. Ezio is the best character in the series(to this point) and his adventures were the most fun to relive(lol, look at me saying "relive" like it was me in the Animus). AC3 had it's moments and the original got the series going and was interesting.. but I will definitely go with AC2 as being the best so far.

I'll see how I feel after I play AC4 though.

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