Xbox One Do you use your Kinect?


Feb 7, 2016
Does anyone here actually use their Kinect? We had ours hooked up for a while but never really used it. Then we moved and when we settled in to the new apartment, we decided not to reconnect it.
I used mine a bit when I first got my One. I was on a kick there for a while with Kinect-based workouts -- no pun intended -- but now I've moved on to some other workouts that don't use the Kinect.
I have a feeling kinect will become more relevant a bit later on, but right now most of the options to use it get pretty boring pretty fast. I am already healthy and fit so I can't even cash in on the workouts because I work out with friends and can't afford to gas myself out with my videogame time :O
My Xbox was bundled with a Kinect, I haven't even taken it out the packaging. I've played with it at friends' houses and I never found any of the games interesting. It's a great innovation and I'm sure a lot of people do enjoy using it, I'm not one of those people though. You don't get the tactile feedback a controller gives you and that's enough reason for me not to want to use it. Perhaps there are great games out there that do work with the Kinect that I'm not aware of, but for now, I'm happy with the console.
Not to say the Kinect is in anyway bad or useless though, it is definitely neither of those things.
Totally agree with you's like kinect is this kid with all this potential and you know it's going places in life, but right now it wont stop eating dirt or wiping its snot on its shirt. It just needs that little bit extra.
I never use it but my brother plays with it sometimes. That way it does not collect dust. The system came bundled with the Kinect but I have not used it much since the beginning.
I used mine for the voice controls when my daughter was little. It was ultra-convenient to tell Netflix to keep playing when both my hands were tied up holding a baby + a bottle!
The voice commands are definitely underrated, I think. If you've ever had guests at your place, the kinect comes in a bit more handy, but it still isn't the most useful thing...
I found the voice controls very useful and for nothing else really because there was no other use for it as far as gaming was concerned. I have kept it in the box and have not taken it out since then.
I've never used mine, and whenever I see somebody trying to sell a xbox, nobody wants to buy it with the kinnect. They can be useful, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
The funny thing is, even on craigslist, the spare kinects stay up for quite a bit. I firmly believe they're an amazing long-term investment, as in, if you own a couple, they'll be worth something later. The whole Xbone is this comfortably paced waiting game, everything is gonna pop up when VR is out there
I used mine for the voice controls when my daughter was little. It was ultra-convenient to tell Netflix to keep playing when both my hands were tied up holding a baby + a bottle!

This is about all we ever did with our Kinect, too. I tried some of the fitness games but nothing really sparked my interest. Maybe it will be integrated into more games in the future.
Same here as most of the rest of you. We hooked it the start, probably used it a couple of times until the novelty wore off and that's been that!

We don't have kids though, and I do think that if we did we'd have used it a lot more. I think it's made with a certain age group in mind...and I'm about 20 years too old for it!
Haha, you're not too old! The system just isn't supported by enough games yet. As time passes, you're going to see way more functional stuff that makes sense to play, everything from reaching on shelves to find clues to flipping through pages while wearing VR. We're just getting started! :)
Oh yeh, good answer, that's what I really meant, it's the systems fault, nothing to do with my age, haha!

Seriously though, you do have a point and I'm quite surprised that not many games have actually made use of Kinect, as its not actually bad when you get used to it. It's 100% better than that other version on that other console anyway!
I'm pretty sure that has to do with the newness of the Xbox one. Every single issue that people think they have with this game system is that it takes a lot of time to build a great game, and the console is still pretty new. The Kinect will be much better soon.
I don't think that there's any doubt that the Kinect will get better, it's just a matter of when.

Software companies are still getting used to the amount of power the Xbox one has, and that's the same with the Kinect.
Еxсеllеnt dеviсе, I wоnt sаy it wоrks реrfесtly in my еnvirоnmеnt, but I will sаy it wоrks 98% оf thе timе. I hаvе а sсrеаming kid, а lаrgе vаultеd сеiling, аnd саrреt; аll оf thоsе аrе fасtоrs thаt аffесt thе ассurасy оf thе Kinесt. I hаvе rесаlibrаtеd аt lеаst 3 timеs in my еnvirоnmеnt, but I саnnоt gеt it tо funсtiоn реrfесtly 100% оf thе timе
I'm not sure any device will function spot on 100% of the time, as like you say it depends on various factors. On the whole though the Kinect works better than most people thought it would do, and with a few further tweaks I can only see it getting better.