Does the game atmosphere get to you?


Dec 30, 2012
Well, I'm not afraid to admit I'm a bit of a pansy when I play video games. I'll stall in one point if I hear something or the upcoming area looks suspicious and then finally quit. DS and DS2 were pretty much the sum of everything that gets to me in a game; dark, fast paced, and full of variables. So I have to ask... does the vibe or atmosphere of the game start to freak you out?
Nope, the weirder the better. Life doesn't really exist in these games so if your character dies you start anew anyway. For that reason alone there is no need to fear anything, just enjoy the atmosphere for the fun it was created to be.
You can't exactly say that logically to some people, myself included. As a child, did you ever spend your time in the dark and imagine what might be lurking in the shadows? Of course, it doesn't make sense, but you're scared anyways. Games are the one place where I don't apply much thought, and so all my reasoning is gone and I really panic. :eek:
@Moxidate I have had certain games really freak me out before, but Dead Space 2 wasn't one of them. Do you remember the first Silent Hill? It was a Playstation game and the graphics were pretty bad in comparison to today's games, but it still scared the crap out of me the first time I played it.
I kind of get that, actually. When you make things more realistic, the scare starts to leave you-- I'm terrified of some of these miscellaneous 8-bit games that I find online, moreso than Dead Space. It just so happens that I'm also kind of scared of this game, too. :P
I still scream and throw my controller around at my age.

Even worse? It's often when I'm playing something like Minecraft.

I totally get this!

I'll be in a dark excavation, and be thinking: "You went too far, you need to place a torch, if you keep going without putting down a torch it will get too dark and something will spawn.."

Then I suddenly hear the "Hiiiisssssss...", and as I am flailing in my seat, screaming out loud, like someone with acute tourettes syndrome, the "BOOM!" sound plays and 9 times out of 10 I'll be dead.

The other 1 out of 10 times the explosion tosses me into a lava pit, and then I'm dead.
I'm kind of sensitive to a spooky atmosphere in games too. Even the prison in The Suffering for Xbox used to make me uncomfortable. I guess it's a sign of a successful game, if a game can make you feel something ,even if that something is anxiety and dread.
I'm not too scared of games, but sometimes in games like Dead Space, when things just jump out I get spooked. It's more of the surprise that gets me.
I was reading the thread on DS3 about how the Kinect watches your face and does special things when it sees you are frightened..

Can you picture if they added an Oculus Rift VR headset to these games?


You are totally immersed, 3d positional headphones on, and VR headset with head tracking.. It's dark and suddenly all the main lights die and the emergency lights flicker occasionally but don't turn on properly.

The dark is like a fog, and when the lights aren't flickering you can barely see the gun your holding (the Kinect would help the VR headset draw your hand motions in 3d with a gun vs. controller equipped).

From behind you there's a noise, and as you turn your head the sound moves and suddenly the lights flicker and you get a glimpse of something leaping at you before your vision goes completely black and you have to flail around in-front of the kinect to 'remove' the beast that's lept onto your face, causing you to be blind the whole time..?

I think ANYONE in that instance would be just terrified and would need to go take a pee break before daring to strap back into the game..?

If you haven't seen the demos of this new headset you really aught to: youtube watch?v=KJo12Hz_BVI (too noob to post links)

Right now they are getting it all figured out on the PC where they can fiddle about, but there's no way this will be a PC only item for very long?
@Moxidate I have had certain games really freak me out before, but Dead Space 2 wasn't one of them. Do you remember the first Silent Hill? It was a Playstation game and the graphics were pretty bad in comparison to today's games, but it still scared the crap out of me the first time I played it.

I remember Silent Hill! They even turned it into a movie. I totally get this because there are some games that I can only play with the lights on and when other people are in the house. I have friends who enjoy freaking themselves out so they'll play with all the lights off, but I find that way too creepy.
Silent Hill was super creepy! I won't watch the movie! The game scared me too much. Some games really do scare me. I almost always play with the lights on. Call me a baby! I don't throw the controller or turn off the game though.
I am somewhat in the middle. It really depends on how I am feeling while I am playing.
No. I play my horror games in the dark, while wearing headphones, at night, in my room, alone. I like horror games and I am of course rather desensitized to most of this stuff. Besides which Deadspace's dev team made the mistake of informing me that their sources were Event Horizon, The Thing, SH2, and something else... anyway I'm too busy hunting for elements from these sources to be "terrified". Then again I just really like horror - movies, games, books, art, television, etc.
I think if you are really into the game, nothing will change that. Some games are easier to fall into while some we test out and realize after the fact we don't really like them as much as we thought we would. This could be due to atmosphere, characters, settings, etc. To me if you click with the game you will always be a fan. There are some that I will never turn down and it it comes to be that a game does not fit into what I prefer, I can always re-sell it.
Dead Space 2 was more of a thrill instead of a chill. Unlike Dead Space 1 where I was terrified at some points in the game (especially early on), I don't feel that there is any threat or danger at any point in the game as I felt with 1.

If you're looking for a game that's scary, this isn't one of them.
Dead Space 2 has some frightening moments and jump out of your seat scares but it does not induce terror that other games have given me like Silent Hill or Fatal Frame. Yes, the atmosphere of a horror game plays an important role to getting you scared. Oh, and with regards to the Silent Hill movie? I say don't bother. It's not good.

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