Xbox 360 Double Points Weekend

Oh gezz, I completely forgot this was going on this weekend. Guess i know what i'm doing now until Monday night lol.
I took advantage of it for a few hours last night, but I haven't been online playing today. Does anyone know what time it ends on Monday night?
Butterscotch - I've heard two conflicting reports about when double XP ends tomorrow. One friend said it ends at 12 noon, while another friend said it ends at 12 midnight. I hope 12 noon is wrong because I have to work tomorrow!!
I completely forgot that this past weekend was double XP, so I didn't sign on until late last night to play. It sucks that I missed out on it Friday night and Saturday night. Does anyone know when the next double XP weekend will be?
Not to rub it in for those who couldn't, but I took FULL advantage of double XP this weekend! I didn't have to work, didn't have to go out of town, didn't have to do any Christmas shopping, so I had pretty much the whole weekend to rack up on XP. =)

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