Xbox 360 Easiest game you've ever beat?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2013
For me, it's always the movie games that was the easiest.

How about you guys?
I totally agree that movie games are the easiest to beat! I think the easiest game i have ever played was Terminator Salvation and i just played it for the quick achievements! It was a horrible game and if i remember correctly i beat it under a day on the hardest difficulty lol! If it didn't give me the easy achievements i would have never played it cause i remember the reviews said it was horrible and a low-budget game relying on achievement hunters to make sales!
Haha, the movie ones reminds me of Iron Man 2, did any of you ever play that? One of the easiest games ever I think I bet the game in about 3 hours (with a snack break) and I'm not exagerating. The game was too simple and easy in general, although a great way to easily get your gamer score up with the achievements.

Oh I just remembered the old Avatar game that game was stupidly easy and also the fastest way to get 1000 gamer score, literally you started the game and I forgot where it was that you had to go when you would stand in the same position and press B to attack the enemies for about 3 minutes and you would unlock the achievements.
I easily beat Tekken 6 on easy mode using Devil Jin. Lol. I have been using Jin ever since I played Tekken 3 so I know his moves inside and out. The hardest games for me to beat are the platform games because they require a lot of jumping and item collecting skills which I sadly lack.
I easily beat Tekken 6 on easy mode using Devil Jin. Lol. I have been using Jin ever since I played Tekken 3 so I know his moves inside and out. The hardest games for me to beat are the platform games because they require a lot of jumping and item collecting skills which I sadly lack.

I hear you bro :)
Tekken 6 was an awesome game, personally I played it on the hardest difficulty and it was a real challenge.
I've been hooked to Tekken since Tekken 3, although my first Tekken purchase ever was Tekken 6 (my friends were the ones with Playstations back then, and I'd stop over every single day to style with Heihachi) :D
For me all the Call of Duty games were easy, probably because I was always playing them on medium difficulty. I could finish the whole campaign in one night. Mortal Kombat was pretty easy, after you learned some basic moves. Another really easy and fun fps was Bulletstorm, where you kick people :D
I tend to stay away from shovelware games and only go for AAA titles. So, Assassin's Creed 2. Literally the only challenging part of that game was navigating those couple annoying dungeons.
For me, it's always the movie games that was the easiest.

How about you guys?

Yes, same. I agree with the movie games. For me, it was Battle: LA. Ya know that movie where aliens come and attack LA, so the US military attempts to fight back? The game costs 800-1200 MS points, but I bought it and I loved it. Sadly, it was too short :( However, you get achievements for everytime you beat the game on a higher difficulty.

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