Xbox One Everything you need to know about the Xbox One in one image. (UPDATED)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Pretty cool advertising page from MS about the Xbox One. I'm glad the focus was on games for this ad.

Would you have changed anything or do you think it's good the way it is?


Can't really copy/paste because it's a website not an image. Still worth taking a look!

*This doesn't follow the News & Rumors Guidelines, but it is a website, so we're letting this one ride! What do YOU think of the ad??

via XBOX
That is a great image that is very self explanatory. I mean it honestly explains all you need to know about the upcoming system. I wish you could copy and paste the picture because it is a great image that is definitely worth a look.
The text at the top does tell the truth: "Get More With Xbox One". That is exactly what it claims to be and will be. It is something that Sony can't say about PS4. Do you think that a lot of people are going to purchase xbox one for the all in one entertainment center capabilities? Or do you think that most people are buying it for the actual games? I think the majority of people are buying it because of the game quality, not because it is an all in one entertainment center.
That is a great image that is very self explanatory. I mean it honestly explains all you need to know about the upcoming system. I wish you could copy and paste the picture because it is a great image that is definitely worth a look.
As you requested, the image is know embedded in the thread lol
That is very cool. I think that ad really puts the bang into the rivalry between the PS4 and the Xbox One. The Xbox One to me now looks like a good contender for the PS4. Whereas before it looked like an average contender.
That is very cool. I think that ad really puts the bang into the rivalry between the PS4 and the Xbox One. The Xbox One to me now looks like a good contender for the PS4. Whereas before it looked like an average contender.

That is how I view the advertisement also. It is an attempt to draw a contrast between Xbox One's intent and the PS4's intent. I'm not sure that it is going to be that effective as it might alienate some hardcore gamers who are strictly about gaming and not the "all in one entertainment experience". You say that one now looks like a good contender with PS4. Why? What exactly about the advertisement makes you feel this way?
I had to come back to this image, to show those who are not hipped about exactly what Xbox has to offer. Great post! One of the best post made on here.
That is how I view the advertisement also. It is an attempt to draw a contrast between Xbox One's intent and the PS4's intent. I'm not sure that it is going to be that effective as it might alienate some hardcore gamers who are strictly about gaming and not the "all in one entertainment experience". You say that one now looks like a good contender with PS4. Why? What exactly about the advertisement makes you feel this way?

I actually feel now that the PS4 has some catching up to do. Ill explain more when i get on my pc.
Interesting way to promote the Xbox One. I'm still getting a PS4 but the way they promote the Xbox One this way, it has my interest piqued to the max. I like the way they promote Titanfall: "The only next-generation console where you can play Titanfall". I'm seeing now what PS4 and Xbox One are all about: PS4 is about gaming, while Xbox One is the all-in-one (hence why there's a One). Either way, I'm getting both. But nice way to promote the console.
Interesting way to promote the Xbox One. I'm still getting a PS4 but the way they promote the Xbox One this way, it has my interest piqued to the max. I like the way they promote Titanfall: "The only next-generation console where you can play Titanfall". I'm seeing now what PS4 and Xbox One are all about: PS4 is about gaming, while Xbox One is the all-in-one (hence why there's a One). Either way, I'm getting both. But nice way to promote the console.

Look at it this way, you'll have the best of both worlds!

No jerks, huh? Looks like Microsoft just lost 80% of their user base.
Jokes aside, that "111 awards" still strikes me the wrong way. Awards for what? And are they counting every single one, even the bad ones?
I guess these types of images are really popular nowadays, with the really specific things out of context.
Titanfall is all I see :-D Drooling aside, this is a good way to show everybody the good stuff Xbox One has. Yup, I guess I can say the Xbox One is really the all-in-one entertainment console. Look, it's even got the Game DVR! Oh yeah.
I'm still confused about how the 300,000 servers works for multi-player. I thought you connected to a game through xbox and then played on the game's company servers but with xbox one they switched to just using microsoft servers? That seems counter-productive to me since it adds a layer of failure points and two companies needing to work together to fix things. Has it always been that way? I noticed the 300,000 server part of the image and it got me wondering again.
My favorite part about this is the "no jerks" section on the ad. How can they say that when there is no guarantee. Sure, I get that they are going to slowly weed out the trolls, but most people can have their jerk moments!

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